Growing Yacon, also Sunroot

Smallanthus sonchifolius : Asteraceae / the daisy family

Jan F M A M J J A S O N Dec

Not recommended for growing in USA - Zone 5a regions

  • Easy to grow. Plant sprouting root/tuber to a depth of about 4cm and mulch to cover. Best planted at soil temperatures between 50°F and 77°F. (Show °C/cm)
  • Space plants: 39 inches apart
  • Harvest in approximately 25 weeks. You can collect a few at a time without digging out the whole plant..
  • Compatible with (can grow beside): Best in separate bed

Your comments and tips

15 Mar 16, don jackson (Canada - Zone 6b Temperate Warm Summer climate)
email is best at [email protected] thanks Don
02 Mar 16, Heather (Canada - Zone 5a Temperate Warm Summer climate)
Does anyone know where I can purchase this root for growing in Toronto Ontario? Thanks
07 Mar 16, Sam (Canada - Zone 4b Temperate Warm Summer climate)
Hi Heather. I got mine from . They ship to Canada now. I see they are sold out right now. I have some. E-mail me.
08 Mar 16, Sam Lafontaine (Canada - Zone 4b Temperate Warm Summer climate)
Or post your email and I'll get back to you.
27 Mar 16, Heather (Canada - Zone 6b Temperate Warm Summer climate)
[email protected]. Hope you can still help me out
16 Feb 16, Steve warner (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
I received information that the properties from Sunroot taken orally are a rejuvenation to life healing or giving relief to many ailments including arthritis, diabetes, rheumatics, cholesterol etc. Seems too good to be true. Can you support their claim? I would like to grow it, can you help me?
30 Jan 16, Hanafi W (Australia - temperate climate)
Where can I buy YAKON in WA, Australia ?
02 Jan 16, graciela Vrinat (Australia - temperate climate)
Where I can by Yacon, I from Sydney Australia
05 Jan 16, Eilean Watson (Australia - temperate climate)
Hi Graciela, I have a couple of spare yacon plants in small pots ready to be planted in garden. They're free. Do you wan them? If so, feel free to email me directly to arrange pickup. Eilean
07 Jan 16, Graciela Vrinat (Australia - temperate climate)
Hi Eilean, Iwould like to have them, can you tell me where I can pickup them
Showing 271 - 280 of 362 comments

Where can I buy YAKON in WA, Australia ?

- Hanafi W

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