Growing Sweet corn, also corn,maize

Zea mays, var. rugosa : Poaceae / the grass family

Jan F M A M J J A S O N Dec
                S S S S
T                 T T T
                P P P  

(Best months for growing Sweet corn in Australia - temperate regions)

  • S = Plant undercover in seed trays
  • T = Plant out (transplant) seedlings
  • P = Sow seed

September: sow after risk of frost

  • Sow in garden. Sow seed at a depth approximately three times the diameter of the seed. Best planted at soil temperatures between 61°F and 95°F. (Show °C/cm)
  • Space plants: 8 - 12 inches apart
  • Harvest in 11-14 weeks.
  • Compatible with (can grow beside): All beans, cucumber, melons, peas, pumpkin, squash, amaranth
  • Avoid growing close to: Celery.

Your comments and tips

27 Nov 16, Mark Southcombe (Australia - tropical climate)
I live in SE Queensland & have had ongoing ant problems for the past 10 years. I've tried Ant Bait plus many other hearsay theories & nothing seems to work. Earlier this year I started a veggie garden & have noticed the ants making a beeline for my sweetcorn. I spoke to a market gardener & he recommended a 'you beaut' Garlic & Chilli spray. To which was sprayed liberally on all parts of the plants in the morning & later that same day, the #€@ ants were back. Can anyone give me a tried & true method or am I in charge of a pointed stick, with which to push excrement up a steep gradient ?
28 Nov 16, John (Australia - arid climate)
Sorry you are having so much trouble. Petroleum jelly (Vaseline) applied to the base of each corn stalk will stop them as they stick to the greasy surface. This may not be practical if you have a lot of plants. Putting pepper along the rows of very small seeds like carrot stops them from 'pirating' the seed but whether this would halt their advance on your corn I do not know. Trust this helps.
13 Nov 09, pete (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
i would like to save some seed from my corn. it is f1 gladiator. the f1 means its a hybrid so will this seed grow if i sow it or will it not? does anyone know?
25 Oct 09, Caroline (Australia - cool/mountain climate)
My corn seedlings are beginning to turn a yellowy colour, almost like they don't have enough sunshine...which they do. They are currently about 20-30cm. We have had a good amount of compost in the soil and recently gave them a liquid manure feed? We live in a basalt soil area which can tend be a bit acidic. Does any one have any idea of why they might be going yellowish? Thanks for your advance :) Caroline
10 Sep 09, floody (Australia - tropical climate)
my corn grew to an alright height but flowered at the top before it got to a maximum height hence only one cob per plant, the smaller plants didnt even grow a cob. how do you get big plants with heaps of cobs i used potash as directed?
04 Sep 09, Mike (Australia - temperate climate)
What do you mean 4 x 4 blocks?
30 Aug 09, Darren (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
We have planted sweet corn once previously in November - they grew great and produced good sized cobs corn but they were infested with insects - does white oil prevent this or is there a better way - we would like to stay with organic remedies.
27 Aug 09, julie (Australia - temperate climate)
Can we obtain baby sweetcorn plants or seeds in Australia? I remember seeing an article about the first crops being planted in Australia earlier this year. I'm interested for domestic gardening only.
25 Aug 09, Mark (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
I've read that when sowing corn seeds, you should put two seeds in each hole then thinout when they shoot. Is this neccessary and, if so, what is the reason for doing it. I have also read this for other vegetables.
19 Oct 12, Ferry (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
this is to get the strongest seedlings and therefor a better crop as well as to in sure a plant per hole. i do not thin out corn and instead plant in decomposing seed pots with a few extras. corn does not always do well in normal seed trays when trans plated
Showing 291 - 300 of 324 comments

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