Growing Sweet corn, also corn,maize

Zea mays, var. rugosa : Poaceae / the grass family

Jan F M A M J J A S O N Dec
                S S S S
T                 T T T
                P P P  

(Best months for growing Sweet corn in Australia - temperate regions)

  • S = Plant undercover in seed trays
  • T = Plant out (transplant) seedlings
  • P = Sow seed

September: sow after risk of frost

  • Sow in garden. Sow seed at a depth approximately three times the diameter of the seed. Best planted at soil temperatures between 61°F and 95°F. (Show °C/cm)
  • Space plants: 8 - 12 inches apart
  • Harvest in 11-14 weeks.
  • Compatible with (can grow beside): All beans, cucumber, melons, peas, pumpkin, squash, amaranth
  • Avoid growing close to: Celery.

Your comments and tips

05 Jan 10, Karlos (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
I have exactly 18 healthy stalks in 2 rows in my garden, each stalk is growing 2-3 ears and has 2 offsiders growing from the root also with 1 ear each. The thing i'm curious about is there are quarter cob size amounts of kernals growning on the very top tip of my stalks.. I think my soil is over fertile...only started them from 10cm seedlings 6 1/2 weeks ago
02 Jan 10, Barb (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Hey Warren, You can hill more soil/compost around your corn plants and those extra roots will help them feed better. Corn are heavy feeders and they respond well to getting extra layers of soil/compost on top.
01 Jan 10, Deb (Australia - temperate climate)
Can I grow corn from corn cobs? Do I have to dry out the kernals?
30 Dec 09, DD (Australia - cool/mountain climate)
1st time growing corn and have just walked out and picked 8 cobs for NY eve night. Tassles dried down to the cob sheath. Some of my plants are only 1m upto 1.5m. About 12 in total. I have cobs of varing size and most are carrying missed kernels. Up to 50% of cob. Im putting this down to missed germination or the 40c heat wave for that week in early Dec. All taste fantastically sweet. Have left stalks in and have noticed some side shoots starting to go to run to flower only 0.5m from the ground. Will let it go and see what results. Enjoying the experiment who cares if they are small its still a feed. Cheers and happy NY D :)
24 Dec 09, warren smith (Australia - temperate climate)
Hello My sweet corn is growing very well and developing kernels already. Trouble is that now they are starting to fall over as the root system has come up out of the ground. Have I done something wrong in the process? Should I stake them? Regards Warren
21 Dec 09, Ray (Australia - cool/mountain climate)
my sweet corn are going gang busters. 7 stalks & over 20 corn.
16 Dec 09, Pat (Australia - temperate climate)
The sweet corn I am growing is ready to pick but many of the cobs are missing the kernels. Some only a few others almost half the cob. The remaining cob tastes perfect and sweet. Any suggestions
13 Dec 09, JPVD (Australia - temperate climate)
Hi all. my second shot at corn is going great. 6X2 block and all about 2 metres tall. F1 hybrids meant a result from direct cross-parenting. If you replant seeds from F1 plants, you are actually growing F2!
29 Nov 09, geoff (Australia - cool/mountain climate)
cant wait till my corn is ready, its looking great and is growing fast. however i have side shoots coming off of them so that some of the stalks have up to three shoots at 45 degrees from the base. should i remove them or let them grow.
28 Nov 09, Annalisa (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
My corn is going great! Planted irregularly, but minimum 5 plants together (I have two separate patches). I've harvested 3 ears, tasted like no other corn I've eaten - so fresh and delicious!!! Yellow leaves = not enough water perhaps? Otherwise it's the soil that needs to be better. Ants mean an unhealthy plant - better soil fixed that for me (first round ants were a problem). As for taller plants, I know a friend who planted corn bought from punnents, they ended up short. My sweet corn I planted from seeds (found them cheap at a dollar store, funny enough) and they are as tall as I am. They are also quick harvest seeds - only 8 weeks! From seed in ground to corn at the dinner table :) So easy.
Showing 281 - 290 of 324 comments

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