Growing Strawberry Plants

Fragaria : Rosaceae / the rose family

Jan F M A M J J A S O N Dec
        P P            

(Best months for growing Strawberry Plants in USA - Zone 5a regions)

  • P = Plant out (transplant) seedlings
  • Easy to grow. Plant with crown (of roots) just covered.. Best planted at soil temperatures between 50°F and 68°F. (Show °C/cm)
  • Space plants: 12 - 39 inches apart
  • Harvest in approximately 11 weeks. Strawberries bruise easily when ripe, handle carefully. Pick with a small piece of stem attached..
  • Compatible with (can grow beside): Better in a bed on their own to allow good sun and air circulation
  • Avoid growing close to: If you are using rotation beds, avoid putting strawberries where you have grown tomatoes, potatoes, peppers or eggplant

Your comments and tips

20 Mar 17, Ken (Australia - temperate climate)
The Diggers Club on the Mornington Peninsula near Melbourne list a non-running variety called 'Temptation'. This may be the one you are looking for.
18 Mar 17, Gerald Harris (South Africa - Semi-arid climate)
Hi I'm staying in witbank mpumalanga South Africa ,im looking for a medium size sweet strawberry, which hibrid can you suggest my cell no 0733736692
20 Mar 17, Jack (Australia - temperate climate)
Log onto and click on 'strawberries'. They list a range of strawberries and their characteristics that are suitable for South Africa.
15 Mar 17, Osone Layer (Australia - temperate climate)
When is the time for buying strawberries
15 Mar 17, Jack (Australia - temperate climate)
Strawberry plants are normally available from late autumn through winter from nurseries, garden centres, bigger hardware stores, etc. They come bare rooted or packed in damp sawdust in a plastic bag.
11 Mar 17, Barry Folo (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
What are the best variety strawberries for south east Queensland?
12 Mar 17, John (Australia - temperate climate)
Tioga, Earlisweet and Redlands Crimson are good varieties for Queensland. Trust this helps.
07 Mar 17, Molefe Mokoene (South Africa - Summer rainfall climate)
Can I grow strawberries on black clay soil? I also have half hectare under roof - ? ps advise
08 Mar 17, John (Australia - temperate climate)
Strawberries are fairly adaptable plants and grow naturally under trees in Europe. I would suggest that you dig in lots of old, rotted manure, especially cow manure if you can get it now ready for planting when the runners are available in late autumn. If your covered area is clear and there is good ventilation and available water you could grow them under cover. Fruit rotting fungus could be a problem so ensure there is plenty of air circulation or be prepared to spray. Spraying chemicals is less desirable. You could discuss it more specifically with your local Agricultural Department. Trust this helps.
10 Dec 16, Lindy (Australia - temperate climate)
I've had a good crop of strawberries over winter but December seems too hot. Can I do something to store the plants during hot summer in north Qld?
Showing 221 - 230 of 350 comments

gardenersface all sorts of chaallenges and should never write themselves off. The upside of your experience is that you have a lot of runners that you can plant. The runners will grow even if they currently don't have roots. Lift all of the plants and trim the roots. Remove most of the leaves by shearing them off withh secateurs or a stout pair of scissors. make a nbarrow trench and pack them in it side by side. Give them a good water to settle them in and they can stay there until late winter when they will start to sprout. When you have planted them in their permanent home you could make a frame over them with sticks oir prunings and drape old net curtain ver it. This will cost you nothing or only a few dollars from an 'op shop, and will stop birds and butterflies getting to them. If it is grubs, etc. getting to them spray them with Natures Way Caterpiller spray. This is totally saafe and non-toxic. All the best for next season.

- Giovanni

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