Growing Spring onions, also Scallions, Bunching onions, Welsh onion

Allium fistulosum : Amaryllidaceae / the onion family

Jan F M A M J J A S O N Dec
      S S S S          
        T T T T        
        P P P P        

(Best months for growing Spring onions in Australia - tropical regions)

  • S = Plant undercover in seed trays
  • T = Plant out (transplant) seedlings
  • P = Sow seed
  • Easy to grow. Sow in garden. Sow seed at a depth approximately three times the diameter of the seed. Best planted at soil temperatures between 50°F and 68°F. (Show °C/cm)
  • Space plants: Plant close together
  • Harvest in 8-12 weeks.
  • Compatible with (can grow beside): Lemon Balm, Borage, Carrots, Beets, Silverbeet, Lettuce, Amaranth
  • Avoid growing close to: Peas, Beans

Your comments and tips

16 Aug 19, Arthur (Australia - temperate climate)
I have grown spring onions as perennials for a couple of years now, i trim the tops and outer leaves off to eat and leave them growing. the plants were originally from the supermarket shelf i put the cut bottom root section in water for a month or so before transplanting outside. they just keep growing.
18 Aug 17, Mike (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Most onions are grown annually. Too much messing around I would imagine to regrow. Otherwise cut the roots off and put in water and they will grow. Google it.
29 Apr 17, Ben (New Zealand - temperate climate)
Why can't you plant near peas or beans? If they are growing upwards and spring onions are at the base but a bit off their root system would that help growing close or it just a i don't like growing with you kinda thing..
01 May 17, Barb (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Hi Ben, Best to plant something else in between peas/beans and onions. Peas/beans have symbiotic bacteria amongst their roots which fix nitrogen into the soil, while the onion family are antibacterial - hence they fight one another's good points. If you put say a row of leafy greens between the two, then the argumentative roots of the two foes will be separated, and the leafy greens will benefit from both the extra nitrogen plus the extra pest protection of the onions. Win win win.
04 Dec 15, jeff (Australia - tropical climate)
what are the best time to grow spring onion
07 Aug 22, Tom (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
I put the cuttings off my store bought shallots into soil in Nov last year, they are still growing. So I don't think there is a 'time' really. They seem to be happy no matter what. Just don't let them dry out. Easiest herb to grow, I tried to grow them from seed many times always losing the tiny seedlings. But regrowing from store bought is so easy and they start producing new leaves within weeks.
10 Dec 15, Gay McCosker (Australia - tropical climate)
I have been putting spring onion ends ( left over from the restaurant where I work) in the garden all year, they do a,as ingle well, all grow quite quickly. The Welsh onions don't seem to be as sturdy but I have had success with planting them in the dry winter months
05 Sep 15, birdlover (Australia - temperate climate)
I want to plant them in the same bed as peas what should i do?
22 Sep 16, Stan (Australia - temperate climate)
Go for it - mine are in the same bed and are going strong so far. Just don't plant the rows too close together or the peas will try to climb up the onion plants and smoother them.
17 Nov 14, may (Australia - cool/mountain climate)
when u cut off the spring onion to level ground how often can u grow your spring onion over again in the same soil thanks
Showing 11 - 20 of 69 comments

when u cut off the spring onion to level ground how often can u grow your spring onion over again in the same soil thanks

- may

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