Growing Radish

Raphanus sativas : Brassicaceae / the mustard or cabbage family

Jan F M A M J J A S O N Dec

(Best months for growing Radish in Australia - sub-tropical regions)

  • P = Sow seed
  • Easy to grow. Sow in garden. Sow seed at a depth approximately three times the diameter of the seed. Best planted at soil temperatures between 8°C and 30°C. (Show °F/in)
  • Space plants: 3 - 5 cm apart
  • Harvest in 5-7 weeks.
  • Compatible with (can grow beside): Chervil, cress,lettuce, leeks, spinach, strawberries, tomatoes
  • Avoid growing close to: Hyssop, gherkins

Your comments and tips

19 Apr 16, Daniel (Australia - temperate climate)
I am also using fresh radish with sushi instead of wasabi. Delicious!
04 Apr 16, gaby (South Africa - Summer rainfall climate)
can i pickel radishes
25 Mar 16, Susainable Susan (Australia - temperate climate)
I am wondering if you are able to make a paste like the horseradish paste you buy from the store but from the pink radishes as i have noticed that the flavour of my pink radish has a bite to it similar to that of the horseradish root. Meanwhile i will try to make it using my Grandmothers horseradish paste recipe and let you know how i go.
16 Oct 15, Joe graham (Australia - temperate climate)
i left radish plants in garden last summer. they have kept growing. now they are a large twisted root with branches coming of them with small white flowers. i have noticed that there i a large amount of pods.on each plant. on closer inspection of the pods i have found that each pod i picked has 2 or 3 green seeds. if i pick the pods a this stage and dried them will i get viable seed. i would like to do this as i have kept this garden bed organic as much as i can. i cant stop the bees cross pollinating. but im still trying to keep it organic. Thanks for your help
18 Jan 16, Erika Semenoff (Australia - temperate climate)
Try and wait until the pods are dried. I did this with a few plants and had more seeds for next year than I knew what to do with :)
19 Aug 15, robyn hamilton (Australia - arid climate)
I came back from 5 weeks in europe with too much weight on. My winter crop of radish had matured and I added to eveything I cooked. I lost 6 kilos in 7 weeks, but I did eat baby spinach, little cucumbers all mixed in a greek salad at each meal with fetta cheese and apple vinegar and sesame oil dressing. Have I found the great weight loss? Or, is it the very small meals with meat and veg?
28 Jul 15, Doug (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Best fertilizer for radishes
06 Jun 15, Dhan chhetri (Australia - arid climate)
when to show red radish in melton vic 3338 australia?
03 Jun 15, Jim (USA - Zone 5a climate)
Is June too late to plant radishes in Kansas City, MO?
11 May 15, Janice (Australia - temperate climate)
Hi there, just thought I'll share this lovely winter radish citrus recipe which l discovered. Looks so delicious and some great info about radishes :)
Showing 71 - 80 of 144 comments

Your Black Spanish Radishes are a a winter variety - Germination (seed to seedling) happens at temps of 50f - 75f (10c - 24c) and will take 6 to 10 days. --they take anywhere from 30 to 70 days to mature (that is from sprouted seedling to harvest) - you can harvest them when they are about 3" to about 5". Plant anywhere from about two months before the first expected fall frost to 3 weeks before the first expected fall frost. Your best option is to figure out your first expected frost date - count back 8 weeks and call that your "expected planting date" - then check LAST years temperatures at or around your "expected planting date" -- if the temperatures sync up with the germination temperatures (10c - 24c) for Black Spanish Radishes, then it is a good time to plant, if not try and tweak your "expected planting date" so you will have the correct germination temperatures - and enough time for your radishes to grow. The reason your days to harvest has such a wide range is: you can harvest from 3" up to 5" -- additionally, when planting closer to fall/winter the number of hours of sunlight (and the intensity) varies a lot - for example: in my area on August 10th I get 14:36:05 hours of daylight .... and on September 30th I get 11:43:20 hours of daylight -- both are fairly good planting dates with August 10, 2022 having temps of (high/low) 20.4c/ 12.8c AND September 30th having temps highs of 20.4c and lows of 8.7c ==> but September has about 20% less daylight hours and the suns intensity is much weaker -- this means radishes planted in September will take longer to grow and mature than radishes planted in August.

- Celeste Archer

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