Growing Onion

Allium cepa : Amaryllidaceae / the onion family

Jan F M A M J J A S O N Dec
  S       S            
      T T     T        

(Best months for growing Onion in Australia - sub-tropical regions)

  • S = Plant undercover in seed trays
  • T = Plant out (transplant) seedlings
  • P = Sow seed
  • Easy to grow. Grow in seed trays, and plant out in 4-6 weeks. Sow seed at a depth approximately three times the diameter of the seed. Best planted at soil temperatures between 8°C and 30°C. (Show °F/in)
  • Space plants: 5 - 10 cm apart
  • Harvest in 25-34 weeks. Allow onions to dry before storing.
  • Compatible with (can grow beside): Lemon Balm, Borage, Carrots, Beets, Silverbeet, Lettuce, Amaranth
  • Avoid growing close to: Peas, Beans
  • Red onion
  • Young brown onion

Onions come in a range of colours and shapes and sizes. Brown - strong flavour and pungent. Usually good keepers for storage. White - milder but still flavoursome. Keep fairly well. Red - Mild, suitable to use raw in salads and sandwiches. The seedlings should be allowed to gain a bit of strength before planting out - usually 4 to 6 weeks will be enough. When they are big enough to handle, you can plant out. They start off looking like blades of grass.

They don't have to be in a greenhouse (though that would be ideal), any sheltered spot will do. The idea is to guard against rapid changes of temperature, especially at night.

Onions can be bought as young plants (sets or seedlings) from garden shops/nurseries to plant straight into garden beds. Choose your variety according to your climate and the time of year as some onions will grow better in the cooler months .

Onion bulbs should sit on the surface of the soil. Do not cover. They will take six to eight months to mature. Onions are ready when the tops start to dry and fall over. Pull them and leave to dry for a few days. Store in a cool, dry airy place. Use a net bag or make a string by weaving the tops together.

Culinary hints - cooking and eating Onion

Brown onions roasted whole with other vegetables are delicious.
Red onions add colour to salads or stir-fry.

Your comments and tips

12 Jan 25, Hubertpenny (USA - Zone 3b climate)
Can I grown texas sweet oinon
02 Jan 25, Estelle (South Africa - Semi-arid climate)
Good. Day.. I just planted my onion seeds a beginner.Just Want to know so it will be ready by what month..tx
08 Jan 25, (South Africa - Semi-arid climate)
Read the notes here - it tells you this kind of information.
13 Dec 24, Gardener (South Africa - Summer rainfall climate)
The unions is small when it's ready to harvest
01 Dec 24, Henning Kriel (South Africa - Summer rainfall climate)
I love in Paarl western cape.i plant onion bulbs and they did start to grow but the leaves keeps are between 15 and 20 centimeters long and keep bending and lying on the soil.could you lease assist me on this matter
18 Dec 24, Celeste Archer (Canada - Zone 6a Temperate Warm Summer climate)
(FROM THE NET) Manganese and zinc deficiencies are the most common ONION problem that causes tops to prematurely bend over OR become disfigured....Tops falling over prior to the bulb reaching maturity can result in decreased yields Young plants are particularly sensitive to Zn deficiency..... Problems are more common on high pH or calcareous soils or during cold, wet weather.... I suggested adding poultry manure (chicken manure) -- poultry manure tends to be high in Zinc, in a well balanced way. .Zinc also exits naturally in rocks. The amount of zinc present in the soil depends on the parent materials of that soil. Sandy and highly leached acid soils generally have low plant available zinc. Cool soil temperatures in early spring can intensify the need for zinc. Root growth is also stunted by cool temperatures and reduces the plant’s ability to find new sources of zinc in the soil profile. Also note: -onions and other alliums need more phosphorus and potassium than most other vegetables. They also need more copper, manganese, zinc, and molybdenum. Also please be aware that : There is a known relationship between phosphorus and zinc in the soil. Excessive application of phosphate fertilizers can caused zinc deficiencies. A phosphorus-induced zinc deficiency is a concern and may occur only if very high rates of phosphate fertilizer (more than 200 lb P2O5/acre) are used and the soil has zinc levels is in the range between Low and Very Low.
05 Nov 24, (South Africa - Summer rainfall climate)
Can I start sowing onion seeds in November. If so which type of onion is suitable
08 Nov 24, Celeste Archer (Australia - temperate climate)
One last thought .... I never seem to get everything into my first response ==> Egyptian walking onion --onions and other alliums need more phosphorus and potassium than most other vegetables. They also need more copper, manganese, zinc, and molybdenum- however most of these are adequately represent in compost. BUT, if you have any issues, and it is unlikely that you will with walking onions --- but if you do, first thing I would do is ensure all of these elements are present (in Canada our "old" pennies have a lot of copper, we just add this obsolete currency to the garden). Molybdenum is found in wood ash (just the stuff from the fireplace, firepit or wood burning stove -- provided you have burned "clean wood" )-- probably lots in leaf compost, and banana peel compost)-- of course potassium in potash etc.
08 Nov 24, Celeste Archer (Canada - Zone 7b Mild Temperate climate)
Tree onion (Allium x proliferum) also known as Walking Onions, Egyptian Onions, Topset Onions are a perennial onion. They are part of the Alliaceae or onion family and is a hybrid of the common onion (Allium cepa) and the welsh onion (Allium fistulosum). Tree onions are the easiest of the onions to grow coping with 40-degree heat and frosts. Check out his video -- -- variety matters -- and DURATION in the soil -- my understanding is harvesting too early results in low yields -- so wait for the 3rd set of topsets before harvesting as per the video. These onions take longer to get going, but are very reliable and topsets, mean you can always propagate (which is a nice to have -- since future generations get stronger and better suited to your climate).
24 Oct 24, ESTHER C BROWN (USA - Zone 7b climate)
Showing 1 - 10 of 377 comments

Since you are having problems with your Texas Grano -- I would recommend going to an Egyptian walking onion (or other walking onion). Video abojut the onion can be found here: Additionally: the walking onion originated from a cross between the Welsh onion (Allium fistulosum), and the common onion (Allium cepa). The Egyptian walking onion, Allium x proliferum, is a member of the allium family and a great addition to the perennial vegetable garden. Egyptian onions go by many names, including tree onions, topset (or topsetting) onions, and walking onions. The seeds are slow growing, and can take several years for them to grow and flower. That’s why people grow them mostly from established bulbs. Every part of the Egyptian walking onion is edible, including the bulb in the ground, the stems, the flower, and the aerial bulbils. There are different varieties -- some zones 3-9 others 3-10. I would select a 3-10 for your area -- additionally some types grow substantial bulbs under ground -- others have small underground bulbs -- so select your variety based on your need. There are white, brown and purple walking onions. There is also the RED CATAWISSA WALKING onion -- which is not classified as an Egyptian walker -- but is still a walking onion: this variety for its larger sized bulbs and topsets that are much larger than the typical walking onion. All parts of the plant are edible. Walking onions are a standard choice for permaculture gardens and food forests -- they are very low maintenance - and very reliable -- so a good choice for anyone having difficulty growing regular onions.

- Celeste Archer

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