Growing Ginger

Zingiber Officinale : Zingiberaceae / the ginger family

Jan F M A M J J A S O N Dec

Not recommended for growing in USA - Zone 5a regions

  • Plant pieces of fresh root showing signs of shoots. Best planted at soil temperatures between 68°F and 86°F. (Show °C/cm)
  • Space plants: 6 inches apart
  • Harvest in approximately 25 weeks. Reduce water as plant dies back to encourage rhizome growth.
  • Compatible with (can grow beside): Grow in separate bed

Your comments and tips

21 Jan 19, Carl (South Africa - Dry summer sub-tropical climate)
Hi Rudolph The Ginger root may have been imported and that means the roots have been irradiated to kill off soil pathogens. Although edible the root will not grow ever. If you do buy root from a shop - try Woolies, they mark it when locally produced. Alternative is to look for a root with clear signs that it is starting to grow nodes (greenish horn like on the sides of the rhizome). If you cannot get any this way, go to Livingseeds and buy good quality when they do stock them - availability based on the season.
04 Jan 19, Jyotika (New Zealand - sub-tropical climate)
What month is best to plant ginger in new Zealand
09 Jan 19, Mike (New Zealand - sub-tropical climate)
Set your climate zone - pick the vegetable you want to know some information about and then read all the information here about it. Most of the information you need is here - when to plant, how long to grow it, when to harvest. Read it and read it again and again until you understand it. Then read the last 20-30 comments here about that vegetable. It's pretty simple stuff and remember it is only a guide. Like they recommend planting a lot of vegetables now in January - I don't plant anything in Jan - Feb (in sub-tropical Aus) because it is too hot, windy and the chance of huge amounts of rain. Better to leave it until March/April. If you need more info GOOGLE IT.
06 Jan 19, Mike Logan (New Zealand - sub-tropical climate)
Did you read this at the top of the page. Under ( ? )
04 Dec 18, Tessa (South Africa - Semi-arid climate)
For those asking, subscribe to the newsletter. They sell ginger, turmeric and galangal(starting feb '19) and the newsletter will inform you when they're in stock again. Livingseeds has always been high-quality and very informative.
03 Dec 18, George (Australia - tropical climate)
I cut the ginger seed rhizome into small pieces about 20-25 g, and planted into the soil in late October. They emerged in late November. The shoots looked weak, and leaves curved. They had experienced very hot weather during the period when they started to emerge. I'd like to know how to manage the heat and irrigate them during the extremely hot weather? I look forward to your advice. With thanks!
04 Dec 18, Mike (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Sorry I replied about garlic. Read the notes here about growing ginger. Plenty of water but have good draining soil. If you like make a shade cloth cover.
03 Dec 18, Mike (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Did you read the notes here? Read the first sentence.
02 Dec 18, Terry (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
I have tried to grow ginger with very limited success for the past 3 years. Lack of water and TLC were the main reasons for those results. We were given 2 pieces of edible ginger in summer 2017 which I planted in pots .During July of this year 2018 I divided the ginger root into 13 pieces and planted in small pots with potting mix . All 13 pieces have now sprouted some over 30 cm high.I intend to plant all 13 plants into an area of ground which I have prepared with compost and straw from our chook pen .I hope this year wil be successful. Regards Terry
02 Dec 18, Mike (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Look up the internet on how to grow it - you might find some tips.
Showing 231 - 240 of 489 comments

I have tried to grow ginger with very limited success for the past 3 years. Lack of water and TLC were the main reasons for those results. We were given 2 pieces of edible ginger in summer 2017 which I planted in pots .During July of this year 2018 I divided the ginger root into 13 pieces and planted in small pots with potting mix . All 13 pieces have now sprouted some over 30 cm high.I intend to plant all 13 plants into an area of ground which I have prepared with compost and straw from our chook pen .I hope this year wil be successful. Regards Terry

- Terry

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