Growing Celery

Apium sp. : Apiaceae / the umbelliferae family

Jan F M A M J J A S O N Dec
        T T T          

(Best months for growing Celery in Australia - tropical regions)

  • S = Plant undercover in seed trays
  • T = Plant out (transplant) seedlings
  • Grow in seed trays, and plant out in 4-6 weeks. Sow seed at a depth approximately three times the diameter of the seed. Best planted at soil temperatures between 12°C and 21°C. (Show °F/in)
  • Space plants: 15 - 30 cm apart
  • Harvest in 17-18 weeks.
  • Compatible with (can grow beside): Not applicable as celery needs to be close together to encourage blanching.
  • Avoid growing close to: Sweetcorn

Your comments and tips

30 Jan 12, PK (Australia - temperate climate)
Gidday, I just moved 2 S'th Adelaide & have a V-small B-yd. I,ve had 2 raise my 5 x 10 plot by a foot or 2. But the 40+ day's r hell, so i,ve covered the area with white mesh & it has improved the celery that was not looking healthy at all. Most thing i have noticed is the water factor, twice a day is ex 4 them, a good watering is OK i have found. so i hope 2 eat them real soon in my slow cooking stew's lol.
18 Dec 11, (Australia - temperate climate)
my celery have been in the ground for 6 weeks and are really this normal
17 Mar 13, Emily (Australia - temperate climate)
Yes, it is normal for celery to grow slow especially if you have had alot of rain ? :)
14 Nov 12, (Australia - temperate climate)
same! mine's been in the ground about 2 months and it doesn't seem to have grown much more than it did in the first week
20 Mar 14, Jessica (Australia - cool/mountain climate)
Adding fertiliser did the trick for me. The instructions said liquid but my father in law gave me some chicken manure pellets. I never followed up so they didn't grow big fat stalks but the flavour sure is concentrated.
25 Sep 11, Ray Gambling (Australia - temperate climate)
My celery although wellestablished and ready to pick is very bitter any ideas how to cure this
08 May 11, Roy (Australia - temperate climate)
How big should the celery plants be before wrapping them in pape or enclosing them in milk cartons?r
18 May 10, Nicola (Australia - temperate climate)
I've had some celery plants in the plot for months - initially the older plants tasted salty but some plants are growing new stems. How long should you continue to eat them ? Thanks
02 Jul 10, John Bee (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Nicola, Celery is a traditionally cool weather crop (if you are after the long white crunchy stems) but they do have a high demand for regular watering and fertilizing.. If they are grown too slowly the stems become bitter (which is what I think you are meaning by salty). If you want crunchy, sweet stems you do need to keep up the water and nutrients (complete type but high in nitrogen and potash). You can also grow them right thru the warmer months if you ratoon the plants when you harvest. i.e. cut off all the leaves and use them however you like. The plants will re-grow but remember to keep up the water and nutrients. I have grown celery for leave (not the stems ) right thru a warm summer and ratooned them 3-4 times with no problems. You will find you won’t get the long crunchy stems in the warmer periods but the small crunchy stems and sweet leaves are still great in cooking. So in answer to your question, along as they are growing well and the leaves/stems are sweet, then keep eating them. Cheers John.
09 Nov 09, pete (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
its a bit hot here in north brisbane (mid november) and the ends of my celery have all wilted and dried out? i suspect its sun damage? any ideas? i have had good results growing celery before, but never seen this type of damage, it may just be cosmetic i guess....?
Showing 51 - 60 of 71 comments

Nicola, Celery is a traditionally cool weather crop (if you are after the long white crunchy stems) but they do have a high demand for regular watering and fertilizing.. If they are grown too slowly the stems become bitter (which is what I think you are meaning by salty). If you want crunchy, sweet stems you do need to keep up the water and nutrients (complete type but high in nitrogen and potash). You can also grow them right thru the warmer months if you ratoon the plants when you harvest. i.e. cut off all the leaves and use them however you like. The plants will re-grow but remember to keep up the water and nutrients. I have grown celery for leave (not the stems ) right thru a warm summer and ratooned them 3-4 times with no problems. You will find you won’t get the long crunchy stems in the warmer periods but the small crunchy stems and sweet leaves are still great in cooking. So in answer to your question, along as they are growing well and the leaves/stems are sweet, then keep eating them. Cheers John.

- John Bee

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