Growing Amaranth, also Love-lies-bleeding

Amaranthus caudatus : Amaranthaceae / the amaranth family

Jan F M A M J J A S O N Dec

Not recommended for growing in USA - Zone 5a regions

  • Sow in garden. Sow seed at a depth approximately three times the diameter of the seed. Best planted at soil temperatures between 64°F and 86°F. (Show °C/cm)
  • Space plants: 20 inches apart
  • Harvest in 7-8 weeks.
  • Compatible with (can grow beside): Onions, corn, peppers, egg plant, tomatoes
  • Amaranth flowers
  • Amaranth seedling (CC BY-SA 3.0 Bruce Ackley, Ohio State University)

Amaranth species are frequently grown as flower plants and have many colour variations.

Amaranth tricolor is known as Chinese spinach and has an insignificant flower.

Needs a warm sunny position. Avoid heavy soils. Poor germination rates are common.

Culinary hints - cooking and eating Amaranth

Both leaves and seeds can be used. Excessive intake is not recommended.
Suggestions for use and warnings can be found here http://en.

Your comments and tips

02 Feb 25, Anonymous (New Zealand - temperate climate)
In hindi it’s called choraiya.
08 Apr 24, Beverley Turnbull (Australia - cool/mountain climate)
I have Amaranth growing in the garden. I don't know where it came from but have been told I can feed it to my budgies. Should I give it to them straight from the bush, soak it for a couple of days until it sprouts or grow it as a micro green.
29 Oct 23, Lisa (USA - Zone 6a climate)
I've already harvested n cut back the tops. I grew them in a grow bag, is it possible to overwinter them inside my house under lights? If I do will the survive and grow flowers again?
09 Mar 23, Collie_Handyman 46 (Australia - temperate climate)
amaranth should grow in Darwin in the Dry season it germinates in the south west south of Perth in march Darwin temp never gets below 17 deg in June and July I lived in Humpty Doo south of Darwin and grew it and Rosellas for about 30 years used to add the seeds to Homemade bread .
28 Aug 22, Carole (USA - Zone 7b climate)
I live in Prescott Arizona which has four seasons. Should I plant the Amaranth directly into the ground or start it in a pot? And what time of year should I do this? Thank you
11 May 22, Diane (USA - Zone 6b climate)
Is Amaranth perennial in Cleveland, Ohio/
22 Jan 22, Bill Horn (USA - Zone 9b climate)
Living in Palm Springs. What variety of Amarthants should I try to grow. I have shaded North side or a VERY sunny West patio landscaping beds and ground or in pots? Help please. Bill
24 Jan 22, Anonymous (USA - Zone 5b climate)
Any variety and a sunny position. Pots require a lot of looking after.
08 Jul 21, Kristen (Canada - zone 4a Temperate Warm Summer climate)
Hello! Im trying to find where these beauties are perennial. Everywhere i look it seems like it isnt perennial anywhere. I know i can just collect the seed, but I’d still like to know what zone they will come back at. Thanks!
10 Jul 21, (Canada - Zone 8a Mild Temperate climate)
From the guides here it does not recommend planting it in Canada. There are no planting times in the guide. Also from a quick read it seems like it is an annual.
Showing 1 - 10 of 95 comments

Any variety and a sunny position. Pots require a lot of looking after.

- Anonymous

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