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Showing 121 - 150 of 1703 comments
Sweet corn (also corn,maize) 12 Feb, Chris (USA - Zone 6a climate)
What is the Ideal sweet corn variety for growing in zone 6a?
Cabbage 10 Feb, ER (USA - Zone 7b climate)
What does plant seeds "undercover" mean?
Cabbage 15 Feb, Liz (Gardenate) (New Zealand - sub-tropical climate)
Young seedlings can be affected by sudden changes of temperature. To prevent this seedtrays are usually kept under cover for a few weeks. Any area which mantains even, frost-free, temperatures 24 hours will do. e.g. Unheated greenhouses, a covered area close to the house, or small frames covered with frostcloth or with a piece of fabric like old bed sheets. If possible put the trays above ground level. Too much strong sunlight can do as much damage as cold nights to seedlings.
Cabbage 14 Feb, Domanique (Canada - Zone 5b Temperate Warm Summer climate)
Plant undercover in seed trays (with a dome or other thing like that)
Cardoon 08 Feb, Sofia (USA - Zone 6b climate)
Hi! Can anyone suggest varieties that are likely to overwinter and establish as perennials in Zone 6b? Thanks!
Onion 07 Feb, Brenda (USA - Zone 5a climate)
What do you mean when you say plant out
Onion 12 Aug, Vicki (USA - Zone 8a climate)
Plant out means to plant your transplants out into the garden.
Onion 07 Feb, (USA - Zone 5a climate)
Hi, it means to take the seedlings you've grown from seed, and plant them in the ground or bigger pots.
Onion 08 Feb, (USA - Zone 5a climate)
Squash (also Crookneck, Pattypan, Summer squash) 06 Feb, Mike Johnson (USA - Zone 6a climate)
I have Georgia Candy Roaster squash seeds, Heirloom. Can they be grown in 6A?
Tomato 05 Feb, Barbara Shaw (USA - Zone 8b climate)
What should I pretreat my soil with before I plant tomatoes . They are pretty and then they get root rot on bottom. I heard calcium . Is there anything else Thanks
Tomato 20 Feb, jacob (USA - Zone 10a climate)
my understanding is that root rot is due to a lack of calcium, but calcium is usually plentiful in garden soil. the real issue is with inconsistent watering, meaning the plants cannot properly absorb that calcium. water more!
Tomato 24 Feb, Celeste Archer (Australia - temperate climate)
I think you might have blossom end rot, and root rot mixed up. Blossom end rot occurs on the base of the tomato, and is caused by a lack of calcium (usually -- it could be other things that cause the calcium to be unavailable - PH, lack of water etc.). Blossom end rot causes the tomato to look deformed. Calcium added to the soil at the time of planting is usually adequate to ensure this does not happen. The calcium really needs to be added EARLY in the growing stages. You could also use egg shells -- I would grind/smash up the shells pretty good then work them into the soil of the planting hole; better yet, enrich with egg shells over the winter and early spring in anticipation of future planting. Root rot usually occurs when water sits around the roots of a plant for long periods of time -- bad drainage, excess watering, soil that holds too much water (which is really drainage). If you have proper aeration this usually doesn't happen since the air flow will whisk away excess moisture (provided it isn't a swamp at the roots). Try to create updrafts in your pots -- you want water drainage holes that do double duty -- let the water run off and allow air in. I find that holes at the SIDE BOTTOM of the pot, rather than directly under the pot, work well. It may seem like a hole at the side of the pot will let the soil out -- but pretty much after the first watering this stops happening -- and once the roots take hold it certainly does not happen. No need for drainage material (stones etc.) -- just use soil/compost top to bottom -- expect soil to come out at first when filling the pot -- after that you should be fine. I make my holes rather large -- on a BIG pot these holes are about 3inches (circular). Roots of plants really like air (maybe not direct exposure) but they certainly like the occasional breeze through the soil. Face the hole on the shady side of the pot for a cooling updraft in hot weather.
Tomato 03 Feb, Carol Edwards (USA - Zone 6a climate)
What is the best tomato to grow in my zone
Tomato 06 Feb, (USA - Zone 3a climate)
What ever variety you like to eat.
Brussels sprouts 30 Jan, Greg (USA - Zone 7a climate)
It says to avoid growing close to tomatoes. What does "close" mean? 3 ft, 5 ft, 10 ft, 20 ft????? thanks for the help, Greg
Brussels sprouts 01 Feb, (USA - Zone 4a climate)
3' or so.
Daikon (also Japanese radish, Lo Bok) 25 Jan, Angela Ojeda (USA - Zone 10a climate)
can you add cover crops planting information.
Jerusalem Artichokes (also Sunchoke) 24 Jan, Annie (USA - Zone 9b climate)
Im in zone 9, will my sunchokes come back if no frost?
Tomato 20 Jan, Kim (USA - Zone 7a climate)
What are the Best tomatoes for zone 7A to grow and fertilizer?
Peas 15 Jan, Jasmien (USA - Zone 9a climate)
When is the latest date to plant sugar snap peas in Tucson 9A and how long until Harvest typically?
Peas 03 Feb, Dean (Canada - Zone 5a Temperate Warm Summer climate)
Peas are a cools season Crop. So check what the cool season is for your area in zone 9a, and Plant then. I'm guessing (but don't KNOW) That zone 9 has no cool season. Which tells me that Sugar Snaps will be poor at best. UNLESS they have a strain for Florida.
Asparagus 11 Jan, James Bushdid (USA - Zone 9b climate)
Growing instruction in zone 9B, Ormond Beach, Florida.
Asparagus 21 Jan, James Bushdid (USA - Zone 9b climate)
Trying to grow from seed Mary Washington Asparagus any help you can give an old retired man. Thank you. (Area, EAST COAST OF FLORIDA, ORMOND BEACH, FLORIDA.
Asparagus 14 Jan, (USA - Zone 7a climate)
Google how to grow it.
Asparagus 02 Jan, Claire (USA - Zone 9b climate)
We have asparagus in raised beds in zone 9b and they are doing great going into our third year Give it a go what is there to lose ?
Onion 26 Dec, alfred rockhold (USA - Zone 6a climate)
i live in wv
Garlic 23 Dec, Sirena (USA - Zone 5b climate)
I’m in zone 5b Chicago South Suburbs. It’s about to be Xmas in 1 day the weather is warm more than normal for this time of year and it’s been raining a lot. Can I still plant garlic?
Garlic 02 Jan, (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Check the planting guide for your zone.
Brussels sprouts 22 Dec, zach (USA - Zone 8b climate)
Growing sprouts in 8b. im having the issue of them not bunching up and just getting open leaves even though we've had pretty cold weather. any thoughts?
Showing 121 - 150 of 1703 comments
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