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Showing 871 - 900 of 1708 comments
Strawberry Plants 22 May, Kimberly (USA - Zone 9b climate)
I use worm castings when planting in soil rich with organic material, Epsom salts and I grindup eggshells in my food processor and I start fertilizing with diluted worm tea and diluted fish emulsion with seaweed every 4-7 every other day slight waterings
Garlic 12 May, Anonymous (USA - Zone 7a climate)
I always grow my garlic from grocery store garlic, if I have no planting cloves of my own. I am in alwAys germinated and proceeds to grow beautiful large garlic! I ordered some a good while back from a reputable gardening site, and it did NOT do well...almost no bulbs,
Collards (also Collard greens, Borekale) 05 May, Rolanda (USA - Zone 9b climate)
My collard seeds did germinate but they aren't growing beyond the first set of leaves. What his happening?
Collards (also Collard greens, Borekale) 06 May, Anonymous (USA - Zone 9b climate)
Are you planting at the right time? How fertile is your soil. Fertiliser, watering and full sunlight are required.
Strawberry Plants 03 May, Jane Hodges (USA - Zone 7b climate)
In Zone 7B, when can I expect newly planted strawberry plants to bloom? I planted bare root plants three weeks ago (April 12) and they are growing well, but have seen no blooms yet. Am I expecting too much too soon? Thanks!
Strawberry Plants 04 May, (USA - Zone 7b climate)
Read the notes here - 10-11 weeks to harvest. Around my place (Queensland Australia sub tropical climate - cool/warm winters) they plant late March early April and start harvesting in June.
Rhubarb 02 May, Trish I. (USA - Zone 7b climate)
We have very recently (April) moved some rhubarb plants that originated from my FIL's family homestead many years ago, from Denver CO to SC. I desperately want to keep these alive, mostly for my husband. Any advice? Our ground is hard as a rock in most spots and has a lot of clay, so figured I need to keep them in pots. How big of a pot do I need, should I be sure to put them on the side of the house where there's mostly only morning sun, in order to continue the "family line", should I try and gather seeds from the plant for the following year? Thanks!
Rhubarb 06 May, Laura Ellington (USA - Zone 8a climate)
you really are better off putting them in a raised garden bed with mixed clean top soil, lots of compost, peat moss, blood meal, and a slow release fertilizer. Rhubarb get very large and can live for many years and their root systems can get quite large, keeping them in pots will restrict their growth and you will have to water more often and continually use fertilizer more often then them being in the ground.
Rhubarb 12 Jan, Liz O'Sullivan (USA - Zone 6b climate)
I just ordered rhubarb crowns and plan on planting in a raised bed. My concern is that the roots will be harmed in my 6b zone winter given they are in a raised bed. What do you recommend?
Rhubarb 04 May, Anonymous (USA - Zone 7b climate)
I suggest you read some articles about growing them. The bigger the pot the better 18-24
Tomatillo 24 Apr, Judy (USA - Zone 9b climate)
Hello , I live In Northern California .Our location is Inland from Ocean. We do get plenty of sun in summer months into October . Do I need to cover gooseberry in afternoon heat ? I got this plant from a friend .I am learning about this Gooseberry Tomato. I want to know whether I can grow this plant behind another taller Purple Tomatillo in a separate barrel about 2 feet away and achieve cross pollination successfully ? Thank you ,Judy
Tomatillo 28 Apr, Anonymous (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Plants need to be planted at the right time of the year. If it is really hot then they will need more watering (if they can take the heat), like each day not each 2-3 days. If you want cross pollination then you need to plant at the same time if close together. A tall plant will shade a smaller plant and it will not grow well, end up thin and weak. I don't know if you can cross gooseberry with tomatillo. I answer questions here and I'm just a home gardener who grows about 20 different vegies.
Lemon Balm (also Sweet balm, ) 12 Apr, Anonymous (USA - Zone 6b climate)
Maybe a little early as it says plant APRIL/MAY.
Artichokes (Globe) 10 Apr, Pam (USA - Zone 5b climate)
I love this site and all the very useful information you share!
Lemon Balm (also Sweet balm, ) 09 Apr, Vanessa (USA - Zone 6b climate)
My lemon balm did very well last year, but i don't see any sign of it coming back. I dont believe o saw it flower though last year. Is it still to early? I live on long island, ny.
Sunflower 07 Apr, Donna Mourra (USA - Zone 10b climate)
I'm looking for a sunflower plant for Zone 10
Sunflower 08 Apr, Anonymous (USA - Zone 10b climate)
Google a sunflower seed selling website and pick one out.
Onion 06 Apr, Duke Rick (USA - Zone 8b climate)
What is the best time to plant Maui onion seeds in my zone?
Onion 05 Jan, don (USA - Zone 10b climate)
when you are on this page - just above the title
Onion 02 Apr, Debbie h. (USA - Zone 9b climate)
Can you plant onions that already have a green stem coming from it? Like ones in fridge if not used fast enough .
Onion 22 Jun, Jayne Matzkin (USA - Zone 9b climate)
I've done it. You take the outside layers off until you reach the layers the green stem is attached to and plug it in your garden. They become a bigger version of themselves. I see this a way of not wasting that onion and tossing it.
Onion 07 Oct, Janelle (USA - Zone 10a climate)
Yes, I just did exactly that this summer. Instructions on previous reply are correct.
Onion 08 Apr, Anon (USA - Zone 4b climate)
Put the question into google and it will explain how to do it.
Mint (also Garden mint) 01 Apr, Kathleen (USA - Zone 8b climate)
Will mint grow in shady area under tree with some sun. I am in zone 8b and it is hot and humid.
Mint (also Garden mint) 06 Apr, Anon (USA - Zone 8b climate)
Read the comments here,
Sunflower 30 Mar, (USA - Zone 6b climate)
I live in Cleveland ohio. Wanted to know if I can grow sun flowers here
Sunflower 03 Apr, aurora (USA - Zone 10a climate)
Yes! I've visited Cleveland countless times and I've been to a sunflower field there :)
Sunflower 31 Mar, Anonymous (USA - Zone 7a climate)
You can work out your climate zone from the blue tab then go to sunflower page.
Strawberry Plants 27 Mar, Gillian Alegre (USA - Zone 10a climate)
Hi! I live in Orange County California. What type of strawberry grows best in this zone during summer?
Strawberry Plants 29 Mar, (USA - Zone 3b climate)
Check with nurseries, commercial growers in your area or do some searching on the internet.
Showing 871 - 900 of 1708 comments
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