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Showing 691 - 720 of 1708 comments
Brussels sprouts 06 Feb, Novene Manley (USA - Zone 8b climate)
First time growing Brussel Sprouts. Is it o.k. to cut off the larger outer leaves if they are yellowed or otherwise damaged? Will that affect the sprouts in any way?
Brussels sprouts 21 Mar, GodsChild17 (USA - Zone 9a climate)
Did you read this article? It said yes we should absolutely cut off any discolored or damaged leaves, the same goes with EVERY plant in the garden. The reason is because the plant will focus all of its energy on trying to fix its damaged leaves so you should avoid it wasting energy like that and chop them off!!! You want the plant to focus ALL of its energy on growing the actual fruits or whatever it’s supposed to grow.
Brussels sprouts 07 Feb, (USA - Zone 4a climate)
You could take them off..
Tomato 03 Feb, Steven Winner (USA - Zone 9b climate)
What are the best Beef Stake Tomatoes that grow well in Zone 9b?
Tomato 24 Feb, Cynthia M. (USA - Zone 9b climate)
I live in The IE, zone 9B, and Kelloggs Breakfast tomatoes do really well for me here. All of the warm season veggies I grow in full sun, I put up sun clothe over the top of the beds, once it starts staying in the 90's F.
Tomato 11 Feb, Theresa (USA - Zone 8a climate)
Im in 8A and my fall tomatoes did nothing I planted only 6, different varieties , no one tomato, Too HOT. the blooms just fried and fell off. My neighbor planted under a big shade tree, and earlier, had beautiful tomatoes, hope that helps.
Sweet corn (also corn,maize) 30 Jan, Margaret Hefner (USA - Zone 10b climate)
Everything wonderful to you and yours for 2022 and following! Wow, I was getting frustrated to find an endeavor that produced something that I can read, use, understand, not mis-understand... y'all are my new champions (as if champions ever get old). Welcome back, and glad to discover you, Margaret in Baja January 30! I have the whole year to be able to appreciate you!
Asparagus 27 Jan, Lori (USA - Zone 9b climate)
I planted Asparagus last year. It has done very well and I fertilized,mulched when need to , or cut ferns when need. My question is, at the end of December, a few Asparagus began popping up, and tips purple. Is it ok for them to pop up that early?
Asparagus 28 Jan, Anonymous of Bundaberg (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
You generally cut ferns off end of Winter and pick new spears for 2-3 months in the Spring, then let the ferns grow again to feed the crown for the following year. If the weather is warm enough they will keep sending up new spears until end of Autumn. I just cut mine off for a quick feed over the last month of summer. Mine are 5-6 years old. I'm in Australia - sub tropical.
Amaranth (also Love-lies-bleeding) 22 Jan, Bill Horn (USA - Zone 9b climate)
Living in Palm Springs. What variety of Amarthants should I try to grow. I have shaded North side or a VERY sunny West patio landscaping beds and ground or in pots? Help please. Bill
Amaranth (also Love-lies-bleeding) 24 Jan, Anonymous (USA - Zone 5b climate)
Any variety and a sunny position. Pots require a lot of looking after.
Brussels sprouts 21 Jan, Kristen (USA - Zone 5b climate)
My Brussels sprout seeds are 175-200 day to maturity. I have tried to start in doors and plant out in June in a mostly shade area, the last 3 seasons, but have never had sprouts develop. I figured it was because we have been having too warm weather, and maybe not enough sun? This season I started in January indoors, and will put them out in March with some frost protection, with more sun. Thoughts?
Brussels sprouts 21 Mar, GodsChild17 (USA - Zone 9a climate)
If you read the article and you’re in zone 9A it says to plant them outside in SEPTEMBER. If you’ve done this the correct time of year (this is a cool weather crop, hence it says plant outside in September) and you’re plants are not producing sprouts all along the stem then maybe you’re not giving it proper fertilizer so it can produce the sprouts??? Also you NEED to make sure that they are NOT planted close together… i’ve done several experiments with these in different growing conditions and the only ones that produced were the sprouts that I planted in a 5 gallon grow bag, using a good soil mixture and proper nutrients placed in a location of my yard that gets full sun. Good luck, don’t give up!!! Also maybe try a different variety.
Brussels sprouts 17 Jul, Allan brooks (USA - Zone 3b climate)
Brussel sprouts need full sun 6-8 hours a day. Shade area not ideal
Brussels sprouts 24 Jan, Anonymous (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
The guide here says plants seeds in March and plant out in May. Most veggies need plenty of sun.
Strawberry Plants 21 Jan, Don (USA - Zone 10a climate)
May I know what's the type of strawberry for sone 10a? Thank you.
Strawberry Plants 19 Feb, Darin (USA - Zone 10b climate)
Seascape should do well
Rhubarb 18 Jan, Washingtonian in Texas (USA - Zone 8b climate)
I am from East Washington but moved to Texas. Rhubarb is one of my favorite things and when I was growing up in my Washington hometown, my grandma had a huge, really old rhubarb plant that had been producing stalks since before I was born. And I would just pull a stalk out of the ground, wash off with her hose, and snack on whenever I felt like it. Well, I married a military man, and he got stationed in San Antonio and then he got offered a civilian job here, so we are now here to stay. I would really like to grow rhubarb in my garden, especially because I can't even find it here in the store (and the only two times I have found it fresh in the store, the cashiers didn't even know what it was. I kid you not. That's how rare rhubarb is here, so uncommon that the locals don't even know what it looks like as a fresh vegetable). Anyway, does anyone know how I might grow rhubarb here in my new climate? I really miss it. Thanks!
Rhubarb 02 Sep, Tiffles (USA - Zone 8a climate)
Woo. You have it harder than I do. Thisishwat I read and I am trying some in 8a soon. Shaded during summer, good ventilation for air. Plants may shade it but you may need shade cloth. You MAY need to keep it in a big planter and move it in if you have heat wave. We don't really have big heat waves here in NC, but I lived near Austin, TX area and I remember those heat waves....
Rhubarb 18 Mar, Dorth Her (USA - Zone 8b climate)
Where did you find rhubarb seeds/crowns? What variety are you growing? I’ve been looking and the websites I’ve been able to find different varieties they have sold out. I really want and can’t find is the German Wine variety. Any recommendations?
Rhubarb 19 Jan, Liz (New Zealand - sub-tropical climate)
It's probably too hot and dry in Texas to grow rhubarb in a garden bed. If you have a pot that you can move into shade, you might be lucky.
Cape Gooseberry (also Golden Berry, Inca Berry ) 13 Jan, Elisabeth (USA - Zone 7b climate)
Are cape gooseberries and ground cherries the same?
Cape Gooseberry (also Golden Berry, Inca Berry ) 17 Jan, Anonymous (USA - Zone 4a climate)
Ground cherries (Physalis spp.), often called cape gooseberries, are native in many parts of the United States and often grow in fields and alongside roads.
Strawberry Plants 08 Jan, Seena yager (USA - Zone 4b climate)
I live on north shore in Minnesota, what my best strawberry to grow here
Strawberry Plants 11 Jan, (USA - Zone 4b climate)
Ask at a nursery place.
Cape Gooseberry (also Golden Berry, Inca Berry ) 06 Jan, Tara Sikorski (USA - Zone 7a climate)
-I planted the seeds from the berries I had from the store. -I live on Long Island, NY. -I started them in a small pot, a bit too late to sow- so I kept them indoor. I have my own odd ways of trying things- but this has been my biggest thriving indoor plant. (It was tiny and slow growing for a few months and then one day they just shot up and just keep growing a couple feet tall, and some are crazy looking (like one stem made a complete u-turn because the wall was in the way lol)... But for a start off-let's see if this will work experiment, it surprisingly worked out well. I will do it outdoors this year for sure. My second best plant has been dragon fruit.... So weird I know. I gave some pots with them already 6-12 inches high to people in VA and South Carolina, and some how- no one could grow it larger, and mine is looking like cousin it with green spiked hair. Lol.
Cape Gooseberry (also Golden Berry, Inca Berry ) 31 Aug, Chris (USA - Zone 8b climate)
Where do you have it in the house? Is it near a window or is it in a sunroom or what? That sounds cool are you eating those berries yet bud?
Cape Gooseberry (also Golden Berry, Inca Berry ) 06 Dec, Camille (USA - Zone 5a climate)
It's better to have sunroom. I place the golden berries plants indoor near the window since Oct. Warm and sunny make it grow faster.
Cape Gooseberry (also Golden Berry, Inca Berry ) 11 Jan, Anonymous (USA - Zone 4b climate)
Most plants require certain climate conditions to grow. A soil temperature range to germinate etc. Hours of daylight sun to grow well. That is why you plant crop at a certain time of the year.
Eggplant (also Aubergine) 04 Jan, Mark J Grzywa (USA - Zone 5a climate)
What varieties grow best in N. Illinois, if any? Thanks
Showing 691 - 720 of 1708 comments
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