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Showing 601 - 630 of 1708 comments
Tomato 31 May, Iris Sullivan (USA - Zone 11b climate)
where to buy tomato seeds for tomato plants that can withstand 11b climate.
Tomato 19 Jun, susan pawley (USA - Zone 10b climate)
its really hot and humid in south east florida. too far inland for any sea breezes too. I had great luck with a variety bred by UofF for growing here called Floridade. Another one also bred for south fl climate is Talladega and Amelia. I havent grown them for a few years I think I got the seeds on line at but not sure. Only getting back into gardening last winter as Ive been on hiatus due to illness.
Garlic 27 May, David doodwin (USA - Zone 9a climate)
when do I plant garlic and onions
Garlic 30 May, Liz (New Zealand - temperate climate)
Change the zone at the top of the page to USA -9a (If that is correct for you) - then find onions in the Vegetables and Herbs tab. Do the same for Garlic. You will get an idea of suitable planting times in your zone.
Beetroot (also Beets) 24 May, Anonymous (USA - Zone 7a climate)
I'm in Zone 7a (Maryland). I regularly plant beet seeds September through November, then cover them with a plastic sheet (support the middle, weigh down the sides) after the hard frosts start. I uncover them again about March, and they are ready to harvest in April and May (done by the end of May).
Beetroot (also Beets) 28 Oct, Noemia (USA - Zone 7a climate)
Thank you.
Beetroot (also Beets) 27 Feb, G (USA - Zone 7b climate)
Thank you for the information.
Beetroot (also Beets) 23 Sep, Joan Ellis (USA - Zone 7b climate)
Thanks! Getting ready to plant in zone 7.
Strawberry Plants 20 May, Janise Little (USA - Zone 7b climate)
How to grow strawberriesin zone 7b? In the ground or containers?
Sweet corn (also corn,maize) 19 May, Mike (USA - Zone 9a climate)
How much 33-0-0 Nitrate should I use on my sweet corn per 100 ft of row? My rows are pretty big, so I would say the corn is at least 2 feet apart from row to row. That said should I plant at the bottom of the rows, or closer to the plants? Thanks.
Sweet corn (also corn,maize) 24 May, Anonymous (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Is the 33-0-0 the NPK of the fertiliser? If so I would use a more balanced fertiliser 12-15N, 3-6P, 8-15K. Grow your corn to about 1.5 feet and then run a handfull down each side covering about 4-5' with each handfull. Then hill the soil up around the plants - new roots will grow and help stabilise the plants. If you want to fertilise before planting don't use 33N - it will burn the roots of new germinating plants. Spread the fertiliser over about 1' of the row width and rake/dig it into the soil before planting seeds.
Burdock (also Gobo (Japanese Burdock)) 17 May, Winter (USA - Zone 6b climate)
Why do people plant Burdock? In my area, it grows everywhere and overtakes everything. It’s also impossible to pull w/ the hands, I have to dig them out to remove them. Genuine question, as there’s obviously a use for them if there’s a guide to growing them!
Burdock (also Gobo (Japanese Burdock)) 18 May, anonymous (USA - Zone 5a climate)
Read the notes about it - it explains it.
Rhubarb 15 May, (USA - Zone 8a climate)
What variety of rhubarb will grow in zone 8 or 9
Rhubarb 06 Jun, Mindi (USA - Zone 8a climate)
We grow Glaskins Perpetual Rhubarb and Victoria and they both do very well here in Eastern NC.
Potato 13 May, Kathy Blackburn (USA - Zone 7b climate)
What sweet potato is good for zone 7b Long Island NY
Potato 18 May, anonymous (USA - Zone 7b climate)
Probably any.
Amaranth (also Love-lies-bleeding) 11 May, Diane (USA - Zone 6b climate)
Is Amaranth perennial in Cleveland, Ohio/
Rhubarb 05 May, Amathonn (USA - Zone 9a climate)
My Month by Month Florida Gardening book says you can grow rhubarb year-round in north Florida and August to October in central and south Florida. I’m guessing shade cloth would be in order for the latter two the rest of the year. I never cared much for it growing up in Iowa but I think I’ll give it a try at my little hobby farm near Arcadia, Fl just for the challenge of it.
Rhubarb 06 Jun, Mindi (USA - Zone 8a climate)
If you can plant them either in big pots or in dappled sun/part shade it may be helpful but I don't think shade cloth would help as much as drip irrigation may. Best of luck!
Rhubarb 06 May, Anonymous (Australia - tropical climate)
The plants probably need more regular watering than shade cloth. Heavy shade cloth will reduce the available sunlight. By this guide not a lot of opportunity to grow it in zones 6a or 6b. I have absolutely no idea what your weather is like - I live in Australia.
Brussels sprouts 03 May, kathy (USA - Zone 9a climate)
I planted my brussel sprouts in the fall and they haven't produced any brussel sprouts, only stalk and leaves. They are still in the ground. I used 8-8-8 fertilizer. Do I need to use a different fertilizer?
Brussels sprouts 05 May, Anonymous (USA - Zone 9a climate)
Gardenate advises plant in SEPT. They need cool or cold weather for best results.
Parsnip 02 May, Glenn T Terrebonne (USA - Zone 9b climate)
We can grow parsnips thru the hot summer if we plant now in may
Tomato 29 Apr, (USA - Zone 10b climate)
Any tips for growing tomatoes during the summer in zone 10b USA?
Tomato 29 Jan, Janine (USA - Zone 10b climate)
Move them indoors under a grow light (or in a sunny window) from July through September so they won't burn. Some cultivars are more heat resistant and will survive the zone 10 summer outdoors.
Tomato 09 May, LouElla Chevalier (USA - Zone 9a climate)
Use shade covers. I set 4x4's . 8' high. 40% white shade cloth. Prune bottom leaves to insure plenty of air flow. You can get a higher shade cloth, for your zone, I would get a 50% white shade cloth. I only use mine for late May, June, July and August. I take them down when I see the temps go below 95 deg. I also mulch to retain water. I do not water the leaves, only at soild level and in early mornings. During the hottest months, I water daily.
Daikon (also Japanese radish, Lo Bok) 28 Apr, (USA - Zone 6a climate)
Some maps say im zone 6a others say I'm in 6b so I'm not sure my exact zone but it's definitely 6. I bought this variety to plant as a cover crop with plans to leave it to grow until winter kills it. When is the best time for me to plant it? I would prefer it to get super big before bolting for all the reasons they are used as a cover crop. My absolute preference would be it grew huge and long then freeze without many bolting.
Daikon (also Japanese radish, Lo Bok) 02 May, Anonymous (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Look in the monthly calendar guide at the top of the page. Give it plenty of fert especially Nitrogen.
Watermelon 26 Apr, Noelle (USA - Zone 10a climate)
Spacing for vertical watermelon growing? I have a 2x4 bed and planted watermelon on opposite ends on one side (Sugar Baby variety) and one on the center on the opposite side (Crimson) with the goal of having them grow vertically. I only expected three plants total but planted more seeds since these were older seeds. I now have eight watermelon plants that are growing beautifully. I don't want to thin, but I'm sure it's necessary. Any advice on spacing for vertical growth? I've read all sorts of different suggestions online.
Showing 601 - 630 of 1708 comments
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