Growing Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum : Solanaceae / the nightshade family

Jan F M A M J J A S O N Dec
      T T T            
      P P              

(Best months for growing Tomato in USA - Zone 5a regions)

  • S = Plant undercover in seed trays
  • T = Plant out (transplant) seedlings
  • P = Sow seed
  • Grow in seed trays, and plant out in 4-6 weeks. Sow seed at a depth approximately three times the diameter of the seed. Best planted at soil temperatures between 61°F and 95°F. (Show °C/cm)
  • Space plants: 16 - 24 inches apart
  • Harvest in 8-17 weeks.
  • Compatible with (can grow beside): Asparagus, Chervil,Carrot, Celery, Chives, Parsley, Marigold, Basil
  • Avoid growing close to: Rosemary, Potatoes, Fennel, Cucumber

Your comments and tips

31 Oct 12, Alice sub/tropical (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Stressed tomatoe plant not growing strongly and sickly. Any advice?? Apart from annihilate!!
31 Oct 12, Heather Masters (Australia - temperate climate)
My tomatoes are growing well, but they have started to exceed the 7' mark. Can I cut of the top of the bush so its not as high? Will this increase lower growth or will the plant go into shock and not produce?
23 Oct 12, Holly (Australia - temperate climate)
Hi Dani, Sounds like they need a good fertilizing. You can take the new shoots from between stems and replant in seedling mix to keep over winter (inside). Otherwise tear out, plant some beans and then start over again in September. Good luck!
05 Oct 12, shaz (Australia - temperate climate)
hi this is my third season of growing toms ,i have found that my plants don't like to much watering , i don't drench them and i only give them seaweed that's all from the moment there planted right to harvest,about every two weeks but only on soil..great size toms i had, well happy growing all .
09 Oct 12, Steven Andrew (Australia - temperate climate)
How often do you water (first time tomato grower)?
03 Oct 12, Patrick (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
I am wondering if anyone can tell me what the best soil ph for tomatoes should be?
23 Oct 12, (New Zealand - temperate climate)
Optimum PH range for tomatoes 5.5 - 7
29 Sep 12, (Australia - temperate climate)
can you tell me how often to water tomotoes in hot house in tassie
23 Sep 12, Cheryl (Australia - temperate climate)
I read that tomatoes shouldn't be fed until fruit starts forming, otherwise you end up with lots of lush leaves but no fruit. If the plant is too well fed it doesn't feel the need to reproduce itself. I always plant in good soil but don't feed until then.
09 Sep 12, Meiling Chong (Australia - temperate climate)
Are there anybody around North-East Melbourne who would like to swap seeds/seedlings? I live in Greensborough. :)
Showing 561 - 570 of 806 comments

You can look up the germination (seed hatching) temperature for various vegetables online. Compare this temperature to your soil temperature (even your air temperature to get an idea) -- the germination temperature needs to be met and sustained for the seeds to germinate (in addition to water, soil and presence of light for some shallow planted seeds). Most likely you will still benefit from starting indoors -- it all depends on temperatures AND which veggies you are planting - some veggies seeds have fairly low germination temps - beans, chard, mustard etc. Other veggies have very high germination temps: tomatoes, peppers etc. Remember that the germination temp needs to not only be met, it needs to be sustained. Since you can control your inside temperature - I would start my seeds indoors -- and potentially add a heating pad under the seedling tray. If you plant outdoors you can use a tarp to help warm the soil; I prefer clear elevated about 6" above the ground (like a green house) to help warm the soil when the sun hits it
- Celeste Archer

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