Growing Tomato

Lycopersicon esculentum : Solanaceae / the nightshade family

Jan F M A M J J A S O N Dec
      T T T            
      P P              

(Best months for growing Tomato in USA - Zone 5a regions)

  • S = Plant undercover in seed trays
  • T = Plant out (transplant) seedlings
  • P = Sow seed
  • Grow in seed trays, and plant out in 4-6 weeks. Sow seed at a depth approximately three times the diameter of the seed. Best planted at soil temperatures between 61°F and 95°F. (Show °C/cm)
  • Space plants: 16 - 24 inches apart
  • Harvest in 8-17 weeks.
  • Compatible with (can grow beside): Asparagus, Chervil,Carrot, Celery, Chives, Parsley, Marigold, Basil
  • Avoid growing close to: Rosemary, Potatoes, Fennel, Cucumber

Your comments and tips

18 Aug 16, Derek Bennett (South Africa - Humid sub-tropical climate)
Hi Hennie. You appear to have a good knowledge of tomatoes. Please, could you send me details of how to grow toms.. Sincerely Derek
15 May 14, allan nicolas (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
My tomatoe bushes grow real healthy and get flowers and only some turn into fruit but then the fruit dosent grow and ripen Help please
12 Jul 14, Yuri Dreason (Australia - cool/mountain climate)
You grow wrong type for your climate. Try a good heirloom such as Reisetomate or a cherry tomato such as yellow pear.
09 May 14, Bernie Bernhardt (Australia - tropical climate)
I live in Thailand and would like to know the names of tomatoes best grown in this region. Thank you, Bernie.
27 Mar 14, (Australia - temperate climate)
when I pick my appolo tomatoes they leak juice and when I cut them open they have a brown strip through the centre
24 Mar 14, Ronald mayanda (South Africa - Humid sub-tropical climate)
How do i protect my tomato plants from getting burnt in winter with coldness
01 Mar 14, Stephen Matthews (Australia - temperate climate)
I have been told that some varieties of tomatoes can be grown successfully in winter. Has anyone done so? What varieties can be used and what special provisions...e.g. frost protection?
27 Sep 14, Elizabeth (Australia - temperate climate)
Cherry tomatoes are possible to grow in low frost areas during the colder months providing they have a nicely sunny position. Water in the mornings to prevent drenched soil at night. Start them off in seed trays under glass or in warm area .Ensuring the soil is rich in organic matter will heat the soil slightly as it continues to compost. I find that cherry tomatoes can tolerate the early spring including very late winter and late Autumn as they are small and do not need as much sun to ripen. Although I have not grown tomatoes in the middle of winter the local community always has them growing. Did you end up growing them and how did you go? Happy gardening - Elizabeth
02 Mar 14, Paul (Australia - arid climate)
I grow tomatoes year round in wire cages with shade cloth around them to protect from too much sun in summer and frost in autumn and winter. Not found one type to be useless but the best are San Marzarno, Apollo, Roma and any of the cherries. Be careful of overwatering and fungal disease in areas other than arid zones. I make sure the cage is large enough for the plant to have good air circulation and room for the flowers to form fruit, no less than 1.5m long ring lock joined to form a circle. Chooks scratch around the outside and keep earwigs etc away.
25 Jan 16, Kate (Australia - arid climate)
Paul do you grow from seed and what months do you plant? My family suggested I should always have the summer bearing crop in before the end of August and now I'm trying to establish when is best times for other season crops so I can try and produce for as much of the year as possible.
Showing 491 - 500 of 806 comments

You can look up the germination (seed hatching) temperature for various vegetables online. Compare this temperature to your soil temperature (even your air temperature to get an idea) -- the germination temperature needs to be met and sustained for the seeds to germinate (in addition to water, soil and presence of light for some shallow planted seeds). Most likely you will still benefit from starting indoors -- it all depends on temperatures AND which veggies you are planting - some veggies seeds have fairly low germination temps - beans, chard, mustard etc. Other veggies have very high germination temps: tomatoes, peppers etc. Remember that the germination temp needs to not only be met, it needs to be sustained. Since you can control your inside temperature - I would start my seeds indoors -- and potentially add a heating pad under the seedling tray. If you plant outdoors you can use a tarp to help warm the soil; I prefer clear elevated about 6" above the ground (like a green house) to help warm the soil when the sun hits it
- Celeste Archer

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