Growing Sweet corn, also corn,maize

Zea mays, var. rugosa : Poaceae / the grass family

Jan F M A M J J A S O N Dec
                S S S S
T                 T T T
                P P P  

(Best months for growing Sweet corn in Australia - temperate regions)

  • S = Plant undercover in seed trays
  • T = Plant out (transplant) seedlings
  • P = Sow seed

September: sow after risk of frost

  • Sow in garden. Sow seed at a depth approximately three times the diameter of the seed. Best planted at soil temperatures between 61°F and 95°F. (Show °C/cm)
  • Space plants: 8 - 12 inches apart
  • Harvest in 11-14 weeks.
  • Compatible with (can grow beside): All beans, cucumber, melons, peas, pumpkin, squash, amaranth
  • Avoid growing close to: Celery.

Your comments and tips

30 May 10, Diana (Australia - temperate climate)
Corn don't transplant well. Direct sowing is much better.
20 Oct 10, (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
i have grown corn by both methods, never lost a plant when transplanting. i usually start my first lot off in a cold frame and then after that lot gets going and the soil has warmed a bit i plant them straight into the ground planting half a dozen more than i want to put in place of any that fail to germinate. i plant about 25 seeds a time every couple of weeks over the summer
10 Apr 10, louise (Australia - cool/mountain climate)
Ihave grown corn for the first time and am delighted I grew from packet seed straight into the ground and as they became young plants separated each one and sowed into rows I watered and watered they need constant water upkeep now they are ready for eating the tails are brownish in colour and i had about three coblets to each stalk purely organic didnt have to keep the bugs away . the trick is water everyday
02 Apr 10, Geoff (Australia - tropical climate)
when cooking my corn I just wrap it in baking paper with the ends twisted & cook it in the microwave for 2 & a half minutes, cooked & still has a nice crunch to it,a dash of butter if you want but straight up is good for me.
23 Mar 10, bob stratford (Australia - temperate climate)
boil corn for 10mns with a pinch of sugar but make sure the corn is cold before you add to the boiling water this will stop the natual sugars from excaping, place on a plate and smear butter and salt you carn't go wrong.
23 Mar 10, aaron (Australia - cool/mountain climate)
Most of the produce has been eaten by insects. Is there any organic base spray to combat this?
26 Feb 10, Barb (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Hey Jason, your corn sound fantastic! I had a bad time with corn this year - male flowers came out in a heat wave before the female tassels were out and massive winds blew pollen away. So yield was down, but still v yummy! I'm tempted to stick in another crop now - hopefully not too late in the year.
11 Feb 10, T (Australia - temperate climate)
Having grown baby sweetcorn for the first time, the silks are red in colour at the moment can someone inform me when is the right time to pick baby corn, is it the same rule as normal corn? where the silks should be brown?
09 Aug 16, Ann-Marie (Australia - tropical climate)
Baby corn is picked much earlier than normal corn. The silks should be just emerging ( aprrox 1 cm long) and still soft. I find that the silks just poking out can be ready that evening or the next day as they grow very fast.
11 Feb 10, Jason (Australia - temperate climate)
Just seeking opinions on whether my current run of corn is 'normal'. Planted Sun & Snow corn the week before Christmas and it has gone completely nuts. The block seems to have topped out at 2.3mtrs in full tassel... but I have 3 to 4 extra tillers on each plant and they are producing tassels and silks completely independent to the centre stalk. 7 of them even have side tassels at the 2mtr marker. The cobs that are forming are averaging just over 20cm in length and between 6-7cm in width. I'm only new to growing and was completely wrapped when they took off. Is this a standard result or something alittle more special?
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