Growing Sweet corn, also corn,maize

Zea mays, var. rugosa : Poaceae / the grass family

Jan F M A M J J A S O N Dec
        P P            

(Best months for growing Sweet corn in USA - Zone 5a regions)

  • P = Sow seed
  • Sow in garden. Sow seed at a depth approximately three times the diameter of the seed. Best planted at soil temperatures between 61°F and 95°F. (Show °C/cm)
  • Space plants: 8 - 12 inches apart
  • Harvest in 11-14 weeks.
  • Compatible with (can grow beside): All beans, cucumber, melons, peas, pumpkin, squash, amaranth
  • Avoid growing close to: Celery.

Your comments and tips

07 Dec 16, ben peter rooney (Australia - temperate climate)
when to plant them in december
09 Dec 16, John (Australia - temperate climate)
It ìs very late to consider planting sweet corn. If you are in a warmer area you may still produce usable cobs. You could give it a go and if there is not enough season left you could make baby cobs for stir fries and use the stalks for a crop of climbing peas or mulch. If you live in an area that the winter comes later you might still make it. Trust this helps.
29 Nov 16, Topher Varnish (Australia - temperate climate)
My corn are doing very well and currently at about 50cm, nice deep green. They have started new stalk shoots coming from the bases. Should I cut them off or leave them? thanks & regards, Topher
29 Nov 16, John (Australia - temperate climate)
Sweet corn often sends up 'basal' shoots like this. They don't usually come to anything so I suggest you twist or cut them off as they will detract from better cobs on the main growth. You may also check your variety as some varieties do grow multiple stems with cobs.Trust this helps.
25 Nov 16, joe bugeja (Australia - temperate climate)
Hi, I'm just wondering were can I buy broken cobs in Australia? regards Joe.
27 Nov 16, John (Australia - temperate climate)
Hello Joe, What did you mean by 'broken' cobs? If you mean the cobs after the seed has been removed you could search for - corn/maize seed - bulk on the internet and ask them. They usually have plenty to get rid of.
27 Sep 16, peter (South Africa - Summer rainfall climate)
Please help. When do I plant maize in the area south of Johannesburg? I'm asking because all my neighbours say we must plant in December. Thnx Peter
01 Oct 16, May (South Africa - Summer rainfall climate)
I think you can plant before December during spring already, as soon as the danger of frost has passed. Also, if you are planting more than one variety, it is best to do so a few weeks apart so they don't mature at the same time, because they cross-polinate between species.
17 Mar 20, A (South Africa - Semi-arid climate)
I only have a small home garden. I generally start planting my first batch around more d Sept and the every 6 to 8 weeks thereafter. If my first batch was planted in September , my sweet or green corn is harvested in Early Jan or Feb. I plant pumpkins in between the rows and when the corn is about shin high I interspace with climbing green been. The pumpkin protects the corn roots and the beans provide nitrogen.
29 Aug 16, Rod ( Sydney ) (Australia - temperate climate)
i have been monitoring the soil temperature for a couple of weeks and it seems to be above 12 to16 degrees most days , sometimes in the early 20 I measured the soil temperature at 25 mm below ground level , seed sowing recommendations the seeds went into the ground today and as we speak the sprinklers are on should come up in 2 weeks , fingers crossed I followed the 3 sisters format as close as I could , my beds are not 5 feet wide
Showing 201 - 210 of 430 comments

Transfer when about 6' high.

- Anonymous

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