Growing Strawberry Plants

Fragaria : Rosaceae / the rose family

Jan F M A M J J A S O N Dec
      P P              

(Best months for growing Strawberry Plants in Australia - tropical regions)

  • P = Plant out (transplant) seedlings
  • Easy to grow. Plant with crown (of roots) just covered.. Best planted at soil temperatures between 10°C and 20°C. (Show °F/in)
  • Space plants: 30 - 100 cm apart
  • Harvest in approximately 11 weeks. Strawberries bruise easily when ripe, handle carefully. Pick with a small piece of stem attached..
  • Compatible with (can grow beside): Better in a bed on their own to allow good sun and air circulation
  • Avoid growing close to: If you are using rotation beds, avoid putting strawberries where you have grown tomatoes, potatoes, peppers or eggplant

Your comments and tips

10 Nov 19, (Australia - tropical climate)
Can I grow strawberries in a pot with a raspberries plant
31 Oct 19, Melanie (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Will my strawberries survive in a garden bed over Brisbane summer? I'm worried the heat may kill them. I have a mother plant that has been giving off runners that I have also replanted around mid October. I planted the mother plant in mid September, should I be expecting strawberries from the mother plant or just the runners due to when I potted them?
01 Nov 19, anon (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Just water them 3-4 times a week. Strawberries have shallow roots so need watering regularly. S E Qld strawberry runners are planted out early April and produce strawberries June until Sept/Oct. You keep some of the plants to produce runners over summer and then plant them April. Read back 3-4 pages of comments here.
20 Oct 19, Kay (Australia - tropical climate)
I have strawberry plant in terracotta pot. huge number of berries but they get soft patches before ripening and taste awful, sour but juicy. They are beautiful in colour and smell very berry like. Its under eastern facing stairs, gets some direct sun but mostly filtered light, has a saucer, has had liquid flowering fertilizer each 2 weeks. thanks everyone
21 Oct 19, Anon (Australia - tropical climate)
Maybe more sunlight and air to dry them out. Less water also ?????. If in the tropics you season is probably finished by now - mine are - sub tropical.
19 Oct 19, Deb (Australia - temperate climate)
What month should strawberry plants be planted. I've noticed they are in the nurseries now.
21 Oct 19, anon (Australia - temperate climate)
In Qld the first 2 weeks of April.
21 Oct 19, anon (Australia - temperate climate)
Did you read the notes here - it tells you.
06 Sep 19, Chris sheppard (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
I live in Brisbane and have mine covered with shade cloth, should I keep watering the plants through non fruiting months, don't want to kill them .
09 Sep 19, Anon (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Strawberries are shallow rooted so keep the water up to them. Check the soil to see if it is dry or wet. A good watering 3 times a week. Later in the year they will send out new runners.
Showing 121 - 130 of 350 comments

Hi Joe, if you wouldn't mind sending me an email with your contact info. i have some questions with growing methods. my email is [email protected]. many thanks.

- Olivette Fisher

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