Growing Rhubarb

Rheum rhabarbarum : Polygonaceae / the dock family

Jan F M A M J J A S O N Dec

Not recommended for growing in Australia - tropical regions

  • Easy to grow. Plant pieces of rhizome or roots 8 - 10 cm (3 - 4 in.) deep. Best planted at soil temperatures between 5°C and 20°C. (Show °F/in)
  • Space plants: 90 cm apart
  • Harvest in approximately 1 years. You will have a stronger plant if you leave it for about a year before using..
  • Compatible with (can grow beside): Brassicas (Cabbage, Broccoli, Cauliflower, etc)

Your comments and tips

30 Jul 18, Mike L (Australia - temperate climate)
It says - shady areas in warm climates. It would probably grow in the shade but not as good as in the sun. Depends how big your garden is and how much area you want the rhubarb to have.
18 Aug 18, Jane (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Is rhubarb a Winter crop? Thanx
14 Jul 18, christine cunliffe (New Zealand - temperate climate)
can you grow rhubarb in shade
12 Sep 18, Mike (New Zealand - temperate climate)
Read the notes here. A cool weather crop. In warmer climates it can be grown in some shade.
29 Jul 18, Brigitte (New Zealand - temperate climate)
Our Rhubarb was grown in semi shade with sun for the morning till afternoon under a leaky spouting ;) and it grew beautifully, huge leaves also. We moved one crown to a rather shady area which got little sun and it failed to thrive for a start - again we got large leaves, but the stalks were quite thin, so in a nutshell....semi shade with some sun seems to be best :)
28 Jul 18, Bob Jenkins (New Zealand - sub-tropical climate)
Christine, I live in the Bay of Plenty NZ and have copious crops of rhubarb from four well established plants that grow to the south of a lemon tree . The most southern plant is much more vigorous than the plant nearest the lemon which is partially shaded by it. In fact the rhubarb plants are progressively happier the further they are away from the shade which certainly proves that they are sun lovers, however the shadiest plant does provide a reasonable yield.hope this helps Bob jenkins
15 Jul 18, John (Australia - temperate climate)
All plants need some sunshine. Rhubarb as a leaf crop will grow with less than tomatoes, beans, etc. An hour or two in the morning would be good but if you don't get direct sun but still plenty of light I would give it a go. You can always transplant it to a better spot, maybe in a tub, next winter
04 Jul 18, Wendy Hillard (Australia - temperate climate)
I've read to plant rhubarb in full sun. My plant wilts and lays on the ground as though its dying.. is this normal?
05 Jul 18, Mike L (Australia - temperate climate)
It says to plant some of the root - rhizome in Sept Oct for temperate climate. Sounds like you planted some of the plant. As I said the other day, there is a good reason why to plant at the best/correct time. Also read the info here about growing it. If plants are small or a bit fragile put some shade over them for a week or so to let them become established before full sun.
18 Aug 18, Jane (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Mike, I sowed rhubarb from seed and have planted a hand-full out. Maybe only 3-5 to see how they go. They are not much higher than the ground surface itself. When they're fully grown and picked (in a year's time :( ) does one keep the root (which I presume is called the rhizone) and replant it the following or every other year or toss it? Thankx.
Showing 231 - 240 of 639 comments

My Month by Month Florida Gardening book says you can grow rhubarb year-round in north Florida and August to October in central and south Florida. I’m guessing shade cloth would be in order for the latter two the rest of the year. I never cared much for it growing up in Iowa but I think I’ll give it a try at my little hobby farm near Arcadia, Fl just for the challenge of it.

- Amathonn

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