Growing Radish

Raphanus sativas : Brassicaceae / the mustard or cabbage family

Jan F M A M J J A S O N Dec
      P P P P          

(Best months for growing Radish in Australia - tropical regions)

  • P = Sow seed
  • Easy to grow. Sow in garden. Sow seed at a depth approximately three times the diameter of the seed. Best planted at soil temperatures between 46°F and 86°F. (Show °C/cm)
  • Space plants: 1 - 2 inches apart
  • Harvest in 5-7 weeks.
  • Compatible with (can grow beside): Chervil, cress,lettuce, leeks, spinach, strawberries, tomatoes
  • Avoid growing close to: Hyssop, gherkins

Your comments and tips

14 Dec 10, Harry (Australia - temperate climate)
My radishes grow with long green stems coming out of the ground as seen in the pic. However, despite the rather large sized stems, the radishes are small or in other cases, not even there. Can someone please help???
02 Jul 10, Martin (Australia - temperate climate)
My radish seeds germinate OK but when the young seedling emerges something is eating them. My cabbages are similarly being eaten and some leaves are mere stalks. I never see the culprits even at night time. I suspect cutworms because I put a small barrier around the last two emerging plants and they seem to be surviving. If cutworms are my problem how do I control them?
03 Jul 10, Tassy Michele (Australia - cool/mountain climate)
Hiya Martin, Had the same problem with lettuce and broccoli -- found the culprit/s were garden birds, swallows and wrens (obviously love the fresh new growth). I covered my new plants with 1.25l drink bottles with the neck cut off -- also acts as a mini hothouse. Have you considered slugs and snails? Good Luck.
27 Feb 10, Carol (Australia - temperate climate)
Hello, My name is Carol. I am the wife of a farmer, J.Thompson, we grow all different types of fruits and veg, we grow a lot of carrots, tomatoes, snow peas and radish. All those rules and tips are nothing like the real deal. Basically depending on the type of radish, you use sufficent fertilizer, you dig a hole, place your seeds about 3-5cm apart (they need room to grow!) and give them 600mLs of water everyday. After about 2 weeks you should be finding some results. If nothing has changed and there is still no signs of radish, it is a dodgy brand of seeds, you are not giving it enough sunlight, it is just a dodgy seed or you need to take better care of it. THAT is the real deal. Do not believe any of that scientific stuff! it is just nature. Thankyou I hope your radish grow successfully.
01 Jul 10, Yasmin (Australia - cool/mountain climate)
Thankyou for the help Carol! :)
22 Jan 10, Chris (Australia - temperate climate)
my radishes seem to grow with the roots above the surface. The ground is a clay but I have it quite loose with some organic matter. would it be best to leave them as they are or to build the soil up around the base of each plant?
02 Nov 09, Pia (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
I would like to know that if after my radishes have come through and have been picked, will they keep growing or do i need to re sow more every time.
17 May 10, (Australia - cool/mountain climate)
You will need to resow, preferably in a different place to avoid pests building up in the one location.
30 Oct 09, Bushra (Australia - temperate climate)
I planted radishes a few weeks ago and the seeds started to break through pretty much immediately. They have now refused to come out properly. I can see a little bit of withered leaves almost in the ground. What am I doing wrong?
04 Oct 09, Jeremy (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
As a good story about radish.... I live in south-west Brisbane... planted in early August and thinned out 3 weeks later... they were ready in another 3 weeks. Originally put blood and bone in well turned soil, kept them well watered. I still found some of them split though but not sure why but the rest were huge. Pity I don't eat them, gave most away and the rest went on the compost heap.
Showing 81 - 90 of 100 comments

I have been trying to grow radishes for over 2 months now and I haven't had a single good crop. Either no round radish root at all or a very small pathetic root. What am I doing wrong??

- Paul

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