Growing Potato

Solanum tuberosum : Solanaceae / the nightshade family

Jan F M A M J J A S O N Dec
      P P              

(Best months for growing Potato in Australia - tropical regions)

  • P = Plant seed potatoes
  • Plant tuber. Best planted at soil temperatures between 10°C and 30°C. (Show °F/in)
  • Space plants: 30 - 40 cm apart
  • Harvest in 15-20 weeks. Dig carefully, avoid damaging the potatoes.
  • Compatible with (can grow beside): Peas, Beans, Brassicas, Sweetcorn, Broad Beans, Nasturtiums, Marigolds
  • Avoid growing close to: Cucumber, Pumpkin, Sunflowers, Tomatoes, Rosemary

Your comments and tips

27 Oct 13, Elizabeth (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
I stop watering them when there leaves start yellowing, once the leaves are fully "dead" harvest.
21 Oct 13, Jan Grainger (Australia - temperate climate)
I lost a whole lot of potatoes to both slaters and slugs. I used beer traps, etc. but there were too many to contend with. Reluctantly, we had the whole property professionally sprayed and this year have none.
12 Oct 13, Sarah (Australia - cool/mountain climate)
Another first time potato grower here :) I bought some russet Burbank seed potatoes a few weeks back and was silly enough to just follow the directions on the bag label, which said nothing about letting them shoot before planting. I planted them immediately, then a week later realised the error of my ways so gently dug a few up to see what had happened. They had shoots on them about an inch long, so I replanted them, shoot side up and about 10cm of dirt on top. That was two weeks ago, but no shoots have appeared on the surface. How long should it take? I have my "succession batch" on the floor in an open box in my green house, hoping they'll sprout away soon for planting in a month or so. All advice gratefully received :)
18 Oct 13, Sarah (Australia - cool/mountain climate)
Well, a week later and two have sprouted... Two that I DIDN'T dig up to check on. It appears digging up those others, despite being as gentle as I could, wasn't a great idea :-S
05 Oct 13, glennys (Australia - temperate climate)
Where in qld can I buy kestrel seed potatoes .On a bag of kestrel potatoes I bought from a supermarket said"Not to be used for seed potatoes. WHY ? THANKYOU.
26 Feb 18, Ray (Australia - temperate climate)
I wondered this, and because I wasn't super happy with the answer here, or on a similar discussion on Reddit, I looked into this more. It turns out that it's to do with Western Australia quarantine rules, which explicitly states that potatoes imported from outside of WA have to be labelled
25 Oct 13, betty (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
bet you bought them from the south Australian company who is a grower and wants a monopoly so states not for use as seed potatoes. I find they are a very good potato if left to sprout seed and are a heavy cropper.
25 Oct 13, brian (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
the company that markets the kestrel potato bag is from south Australia and the reason for stating not for planting is to stop you growing them. I purchased the very same bag and waited until the potatoes sprouted and then planted without any problems whatsoever
22 Sep 13, sarah (Australia - temperate climate)
Im a little late planting my spuds and im a first time grower. Im just wondering if I should water once they are in the ground or wait. Also how much water? Im really confused on this one. Thanks.
20 Sep 13, Bill (Australia - temperate climate)
I have tried to grow potatoes several times, not very successfully, my leaves grow up to almost a meter in height, but there are very few tubers underneath. Also my potatoes do not seem to flower, and the leaves get attacked by some insects or bugs. I used a very rich soil and mulch; is there too much nitrogen?
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