Growing Potato

Solanum tuberosum : Solanaceae / the nightshade family

Jan F M A M J J A S O N Dec
      P P              

(Best months for growing Potato in USA - Zone 5a regions)

  • P = Plant seed potatoes
  • Plant tuber. Best planted at soil temperatures between 10°C and 30°C. (Show °F/in)
  • Space plants: 30 - 40 cm apart
  • Harvest in 15-20 weeks. Dig carefully, avoid damaging the potatoes.
  • Compatible with (can grow beside): Peas, Beans, Brassicas, Sweetcorn, Broad Beans, Nasturtiums, Marigolds
  • Avoid growing close to: Cucumber, Pumpkin, Sunflowers, Tomatoes, Rosemary

Your comments and tips

23 Mar 17, Sarah (New Zealand - temperate climate)
Hi Toni My husband and I have had a small crop (20 or so) and grown these rotating each year. Unfortunatly we believe we must have inadvertently eaten our saved ones and now we cant source any. We are in Wellington and I know it's a long shot but wondered if you could help. Kind regards Sarah
10 Mar 17, Wendy (Australia - temperate climate)
Can a potatoes be grown in self wicking containers or would they get too damp?
12 Mar 17, John (Australia - temperate climate)
Potatoes can be grown in wicking beds. If the beds are set up correctly they will only 'wick' the water that they need.
09 Mar 17, ntobeko (South Africa - Semi-arid climate)
hi,im ntobeko from portshepstone,i would like to know that"how is it possible to plant a potatoes to grow bigger without any fertilizer or chemicals?
09 Mar 17, John (Australia - temperate climate)
You certainly can grow potatoes without chemical sprays and fertilisers. Potaoes have been grown for hundreds of years without them. The soil needs to be friable or cultivated to at least 200mm (8") deep and have old manure worked into it. Plant the potato pieces about the same depth in the soil then cover. This depth is to reduce the chance of potato moths getting to the tubers to lay eggs. As the potato shoots emerge hill up around the stems with more soil or mulch and keep them watered. Potatoes are generally pest free and rewarding and a few can be scratched out about a month after flowering with the remainder harvested when the tops die off. Store the potatoes inside or in an airy, insect-proof container away from light. All the best with your potato growing!
05 Mar 17, Garey (New Zealand - cool/mountain climate)
Hi.. when is the best time to dig Red Dakotas.? They are flowering at the moment.Should I wait until the flowers die off?? We live in the Mackenzie Country...Frosts probally will start April..Thank you
06 Mar 17, John (Australia - temperate climate)
About a month after flowering you can carefully dig around the plant and harvest 'new' potatoes. These are delicious to eat but will not keep. Potatoes harvested after the tops have died off in late autumn are called 'old' potatoes. These will store well in a cool, dry place until early spring when rising temperatures will cause them to start and sprout. All the best.
05 Mar 17, Nixiwaka (South Africa - Dry summer sub-tropical climate)
I stayed in Sweden for a few months and was surprised that they ate raw potato in the salads. So potatoes can be eaten raw.
06 Mar 17, John (Australia - temperate climate)
Hello Nixiwaka, yours is a good question! Potatoes can be eaten raw but are safer cooked. Potatoes produce alkaloids which can be toxic. As with other members of the solanum family (tomatoes, capsicum, eggplant, nightshade, etc) most of this is in the stems and leaves. When green patches occur on potatoes it is an indicator that photosynthesis is occuring and these alkaloids are being produced in the tuber. That is why it is important to remove any green part of the potato before cooking and eating them. Raw potato is not easily digested in our gastrointestinal tract and may still be undigested when it gets to the large intestine causing colic cramps or diaorrhea as it ferments. I'll let you decide!
02 Mar 17, Ashley (New Zealand - temperate climate)
Can you recommend a variety of PURPLE potato please?
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