Growing Parsnip

Pastinaca sativa : Apiaceae / the umbelliferae family

Jan F M A M J J A S O N Dec

Not recommended for growing in USA - Zone 5a regions

  • Sow in garden. Sow seed at a depth approximately three times the diameter of the seed. Best planted at soil temperatures between 43°F and 70°F. (Show °C/cm)
  • Space plants: 3 - 4 inches apart
  • Harvest in 17-20 weeks. Best flavour if harvested after a frost..
  • Compatible with (can grow beside): Swiss Chard (Silverbeet), Capsicum, Peas, Potatoes, Beans, Radishes, Garlic
  • Avoid growing close to: Carrot, Celery, Brassicas
  • A freshly dug parsnip
  • Parsnip leaves

Best grown in deep sandy, loamy soil. Use fresh seed and soak seed overnight then, after planting, keep seeds moist until seed germinate. Similar to starting carrots, maybe cover with a wooden plank or mulch until seeds germinate. They will completely fail if the seed dries out after planting and it's not unusual to have an entire packet fail. Difficult to grow in summer as the seed dries out fast and won't germinate. Leave in the ground until after frost or at least a couple of weeks of really cold weather. The cold results in the starch in the roots being converted into sugars which give the parsnip its sweet taste. Use a spade to dig the parsnip out of the ground.

Germination rates of parsnip seed are not great so sow about 3 seeds per inch and at a depth of around half an inch. Germination may take up to 20 days. Thin seedlings down so they are about 8 cm (4 in) apart. If you are planting in rows then space the rows about 50 cm (20 in) apart.

Culinary hints - cooking and eating Parsnip

Peel and roast with vegetables or meat. The sweetish flavour of parsnips enhances most other vegetables.

Your comments and tips

21 Jun 24, Peter (Australia - temperate climate)
My Parsnips are up and flourishing. I know Parsnips dont like a freshly manured bed but should I use a liquid fertiliser on them now, or will it make them fork? Cheers.
23 Jun 24, (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Any manure (organic matter) needs time to break down in the soil (weeks/months). If your plants are flourishing then your soil is in good shape. No need to put more fertiliser on. Too much nitrogen and you will have very leafy plants.
05 Feb 22, Carolyn (Australia - temperate climate)
I know parsnip seed should be fresh and have successfully grown parsnip from my own seed . I have let some parsnip go to seed for bees and seed this year but next to them is the fennel which also went to seed . Does anyone know if they cross pollinate? I don't want to waste space if this is so.
07 Feb 22, John Mauger (Australia - temperate climate)
fennel is in the Apiacea family. parsnip is from the Pastinaca family. There isn't any evidence that they can cross pollinate even though they are Umbelliferous plants. (flowers in umbels, like an umbrella). Trust this helps.
23 Feb 22, Carolyn Dixen (Australia - temperate climate)
Thankyou, I will try my seed and hope the parsnips don't taste like fennel.
24 Oct 21, Edwin S Bedford (Australia - cool/mountain climate)
It is Spring in South West Victoria , my daughter has planted Parsnip and growing well. Suddenly they have all bolted, can you help please. regards Edwin.
26 Oct 21, Anonymous (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
My thoughts would be- your soil is not very rich and they went to seed or you planted too late in the season. I'm sub tropical and Gardenate suggests I can plant as late as Sept. They take approx 5 months to grow. So I would be picking mid to late Feb. Probably too wet and way too hot in my book to grow in summer. We are having 30 degree temps now. To me they are a winter crop. I have been eating mine for the last 4-5 weeks, so I must have planted in May. You say you are cool/mountain climate, are you having high temperatures.
26 Aug 23, Veronica (Australia - temperate climate)
I’m in WA temperate climate so your comment speaks volumes to me. I always thought Parsnips was a winter crop so sowing in spring didn’t seem correct to me.
16 Sep 19, Lois Wattis (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
I'm interested in giving parsnips a try. I've read the seed planting guides and also the idea of planting seeds paper towel rolls to encourage a straight root crop. I've also got a parsnip top growing in water and cotton wool and google tells me it won't become a parsnip if I plant it, but it might grow and flower, and I can collect seeds - is this right? Also, do the seeds grow well in a deep pot of good loose compost rich soil or do they HAVE to be planted in a garden bed? I've got some garlic planted in a tall pot (just shooting now) and wondering if I can put some parsnips in with it. Thanks for guidance, Lois
17 Sep 19, Anon (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Most root vegetables do not like or need a rich soil. Rich soil produces a lot of leaf. You want the root (parsnip) to grow. Growing anything in pots requires a lot more attention than in the ground. More watering and fertilising. I'm not a believer in mixing up plantings of different vegetables. I plant rows of different crops so as to cultivate easier for weeds and access.
Showing 1 - 10 of 63 comments

Replying to very old post, I know. I'm bordering a tropical, sub-tropical zone so it's really not possible to be guidedby one growing zone or the other. I tried that over and again and it doesn't work. However, this year, I am considering guidelines for both zones and then deciding what to do. I use both zone guidelines and/or neither and all but one plant that was doing well bowled after I over-fertilised using liquid fertiliser. This is the first year in moons that my vegies are growing well (thus far!). Why? I'm not sure, but I prepared the soil, I mulch, I water regularly and I fertilse. I also take more note of what plants go with or donot go with what plants. I also loosen the soil occasionally. Hope this helps.

- Jane

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