Growing Horseradish

Armoracia rusticana : Brassicaceae / the mustard or cabbage family

Jan F M A M J J A S O N Dec
    P P                

(Best months for growing Horseradish in USA - Zone 5a regions)

  • P = Plant crowns
  • Easy to grow. Plant root pieces. Best planted at soil temperatures between 50°F and 77°F. (Show °C/cm)
  • Space plants: 20 inches apart
  • Harvest in 16-24 weeks. Some improvement in flavour if left till after frost..
  • Compatible with (can grow beside): Best kept separate

Your comments and tips

17 May 17, Rachael (Australia - temperate climate)
Try Bunnings herb section, I bought a plant just yesterday there, but they only had a few plants--I can speak for other stores other than my local one, but as I said, they only had a few plants. The tag had 'food for life' on it-I'm presuming that's the company that is distributing them at the moment. Because there were only a few plants, it was hard to find- Good luck!
05 Apr 17, frances (Australia - temperate climate)
found in herb section of Bunnings
03 Apr 17, John (Australia - temperate climate)
I would try local growers markets, traditional green grocers or organic gardening groups. You will find these on the internet or markets are often listed in local papers.
07 Mar 17, Sindi Shembe (South Africa - Semi-arid climate)
where can I buy horseradish around gating and m also interested in getting a plant to plant it in my garden where can I get it.
08 Mar 17, John (Australia - temperate climate)
Look on the internet under 'horseradish' plants for sale. Some of the herb nurseries will have it. Alternatively look up garden clubs or Permaculture groups. They might give or swap a piece of root to get you started. All the best.
17 Feb 17, geoff (South Africa - Humid sub-tropical climate)
where can i buy, i'm not far from durban
18 Feb 17, (Australia - temperate climate)
Bridget Kitley Herbs in Stellenbosch list it in their range. They may post a bare rooted plant wrapped in damp newspaper and plastic. Contact them on 07 9407 2209 or email: [email protected] . Trust this helps.
16 Feb 17, Kim (South Africa - Summer rainfall climate)
Lifestyle, Johannesburg (011792 5616) has a few Horseradish plants at the moment - I just bought 2
16 Feb 17, John (Australia - temperate climate)
I love horseradish with beef. The plaants can spread rapidly in good conditions so unless you want that plant them in a very large tub on top of the ground or sunken to just below the rim. Good water supply, and plenty of old manure will yield you tender flavousome roots. Mulching thickly will conserve water. TAll the best!
14 Feb 17, Catherine Thomson (Australia - temperate climate)
Do you have a good recipe for Horseradish sauce (pretty hot). I have it growing very successfully in a large deep (about 3 ft or 1 metre tall) pot next to the parsley and mint. I would like to make a sauce or cream which is spicy and with good keeping qualities. Many thanks for your interesting page.
Showing 171 - 180 of 529 comments

Do you have a good recipe for Horseradish sauce (pretty hot). I have it growing very successfully in a large deep (about 3 ft or 1 metre tall) pot next to the parsley and mint. I would like to make a sauce or cream which is spicy and with good keeping qualities. Many thanks for your interesting page.

- Catherine Thomson

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