Growing Horseradish

Armoracia rusticana : Brassicaceae / the mustard or cabbage family

Jan F M A M J J A S O N Dec

Not recommended for growing in USA - Zone 10a regions

  • Easy to grow. Plant root pieces. Best planted at soil temperatures between 50°F and 77°F. (Show °C/cm)
  • Space plants: 20 inches apart
  • Harvest in 16-24 weeks. Some improvement in flavour if left till after frost..
  • Compatible with (can grow beside): Best kept separate

Your comments and tips

05 Jun 17, George Robson (Australia - temperate climate)
I have a couple of plantlings if you want one let me mnow
24 Jun 17, Sonya (Australia - temperate climate)
Interested. Postcode nsw 2502 Thankyou
20 Jun 17, Linda Morse (Australia - arid climate)
George I would love some plantings if you have some to spare. Please let me know cost of postage to pcode 4519
17 May 17, Yvonne (South Africa - Dry summer sub-tropical climate)
I bought white radish at thane market and was told that is also horse radishould is it true?
17 May 17, John (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
I once bought white radish (daikon) at a market and was told it was parsnip! radishes and horseradish are totally different plants. Radish is grown from seed and the root is harvested when it is ready. Horseradish can be grown from seed but is normally grown from root pieces. It is 'very friendly' and will spread whereas ordinary radishes will only grow from seed. Trust this helps
08 May 17, Andrew (Australia - tropical climate)
tasting store bought horseradish and reflecting how mild it is, how is it that (imitation) wasabi which is also made up of horseradish is so pungent.
10 May 17, Ken (Australia - temperate climate)
Store bought horseradish cream contains less than 10% horseradish (this may vary) and contains vegetable oil, milk, etc which would tone down the bite. As real wasabi is expensive a lot of wasabi paste is boosted with mustard seed flour. This may also help explain the variation.
08 May 17, Andrew (Australia - tropical climate)
I live in Darwin and would like to try and grow horseradish here. Hearing it likes frosts is it worth a try?
07 May 17, Elliot (Australia - temperate climate)
The best store bought horseradish I found was in the refrigerator section of The Kosher Providor, Plantation Street, Menora.
02 Apr 17, Beata (Australia - temperate climate)
Where I can buy horseradish plant? I leave south of Perth - Western Australia.
Showing 161 - 170 of 529 comments

Hi. Could you please advise where I can buy horseradish root or seed to plant. Thank you

- Bruce Lesur

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