Growing Ginger

Zingiber Officinale : Zingiberaceae / the ginger family

Jan F M A M J J A S O N Dec
    P P P P P P P P P  

(Best months for growing Ginger in Australia - tropical regions)

  • P = Plant root
  • Plant pieces of fresh root showing signs of shoots. Best planted at soil temperatures between 20°C and 30°C. (Show °F/in)
  • Space plants: 15 cm apart
  • Harvest in approximately 25 weeks. Reduce water as plant dies back to encourage rhizome growth.
  • Compatible with (can grow beside): Grow in separate bed

Your comments and tips

20 Sep 18, Rucha (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
How long does it take for the shoots to emerge from planted rhizome?
03 Oct 18, Mike (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
If you plant at the right time it shouldn't take too long to shoot - 2-3 weeks max - depends on soil temp.
26 Aug 18, Marg (Australia - temperate climate)
I live on the sth coast nsw and my ginger was pot planted 2016. The spring of 2017 crop was not amazing so I used a little and replanted majority. Now Sept 2018 and I can feel the large clumps In the pot soil! Looking forward to harvest and repotting. Your site has been well presented. Many thanks.
06 Sep 18, Peter (Australia - temperate climate)
I have been growing ginger in West Gippsland for a couple of years, but always in the hothouse! Same with Lemon Grass, Galangal, water chestnuts and Turmeric. Although I have seen others who manage these in warm corners of their verandah.
27 Aug 18, Mike (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
They don't recommend planting ginger in the temperate zone on this website so you are doing well. It is a warm climate crop so just remember that, if you have a poor year - probably had cool/cold weather. For more info google how to grow ginger.
19 Sep 18, Bron (Australia - temperate climate)
Temperate Hunter is sub tropical ish now
02 Jun 18, Soumya Chowdhury (Australia - cool/mountain climate)
We want to grow ginger in pot , what should be the ideal size of pot? How can we prepare the soil , what should be the mix and proportions of garden soil , compost and other manure ? What will be the best time ( months) to plant ginger in Canberra ? We will be happy to receive your valuable advice . Regards.
07 Jun 18, Mike L (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
It is a warm climate plant and you want to grow it in Canberra - cold.
01 May 18, hannah (Australia - temperate climate)
can you grow ginger in may sa
08 May 18, Joe Graham (Australia - temperate climate)
I have just pulled my first jinger plant that i grew in a large pot. it was my first attempt . While it was not a great success there is enough for me and will be enough also for the neighbours. also there are six little pieces that will grow on to be next years crop. I will let them dry a little and plant them when new shoots appear. plant in pot in full sun . cheers and good luck
Showing 111 - 120 of 254 comments

We live in the Spencer Gulf area of South Australia, we have been growing Jarvanese Ginger for 5 years in a large 50ltre pot, in an acid potting mix. The ginger family has a large range, the familiar variety that is at the store when grown has a narrow leaf, where the curcumin, types have a broader leaf. The variety we have grown is known as SPECIES- Curcuma-Zanthorrhiza, FAMILY-Zingiberates,GENUS-Curcuma: Known as "Temulawak"-Jarvanese ginger it has broad leaves and grows 2 to 3 mitre in a pot, has a beautiful lavender flower when it blooms, requires high humidity and well shaded. We have it underneath banana palms in a pond area, plenty of water in the growing period, in a well draining pot. It has been in bloom since beginning of december. Once you have it growing well do not disturb it for at least 4 years, once the ginger plant dies down just keep the pot slightly moist until the shoots come through again at the begining of summer it is usually the last ginger plant to come through. To harvest just move the mulch to show the root and gently remove a piece, do not dig it up they do not like being disturbed, they live just below the surface under the top of the soil, they really are a pampered pet for us, as we live in a dry arid area, we keep it for its beauty not for eating it is too delicate. I hope thus helps you in your quest.

- Brenda Groffen

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