Growing Ginger

Zingiber Officinale : Zingiberaceae / the ginger family

Jan F M A M J J A S O N Dec

Not recommended for growing in USA - Zone 5a regions

  • Plant pieces of fresh root showing signs of shoots. Best planted at soil temperatures between 20°C and 30°C. (Show °F/in)
  • Space plants: 15 cm apart
  • Harvest in approximately 25 weeks. Reduce water as plant dies back to encourage rhizome growth.
  • Compatible with (can grow beside): Grow in separate bed

Your comments and tips

27 Aug 16, Kev (USA - Zone 5a climate)
Can Ginger be grown in California?
08 Jan 16, Karen shaver (USA - Zone 9a climate)
May I plant ginger and horseradish in large container ( cow trough 8 ft in diameter) along with flower bulbs? I know I must keep horseradish confinded to control it. Want to plant asparagus, ginger, BlackBerry,, blueberries, strawberries , and horseradish along with my 12 container garden. Have most plants started in house. Should be able put them out mid March. Thank you for any suggestions you have for us.
15 Nov 15, Mark Kish (USA - Zone 5a climate)
Can ginger grow in sc near the coast
28 May 14, l c durovich (USA - Zone 4a climate)
Can ginger be grown in Vermont?
03 Mar 14, (USA - Zone 7b climate)
can i leave my ginger root in the ground year round in chesapeake va
02 Jan 14, Jean Tencza (USA - Zone 9a climate)
The ginger that I see in stores in all from China. Are these tubers OK to use or are they treated with any substance so they can't be regrown?
01 Apr 14, Chris (USA - Zone 6b climate)
You can plant grocery store ginger. Look for as many "fingers" or bumps as possible as that is growth points on the root. Ginger enjoys well drained nutrient rich soil that dries between waterings. Grown in a pot by a window it will do very well.
Showing 41 - 47 of 47 comments

We live in the Spencer Gulf area of South Australia, we have been growing Jarvanese Ginger for 5 years in a large 50ltre pot, in an acid potting mix. The ginger family has a large range, the familiar variety that is at the store when grown has a narrow leaf, where the curcumin, types have a broader leaf. The variety we have grown is known as SPECIES- Curcuma-Zanthorrhiza, FAMILY-Zingiberates,GENUS-Curcuma: Known as "Temulawak"-Jarvanese ginger it has broad leaves and grows 2 to 3 mitre in a pot, has a beautiful lavender flower when it blooms, requires high humidity and well shaded. We have it underneath banana palms in a pond area, plenty of water in the growing period, in a well draining pot. It has been in bloom since beginning of december. Once you have it growing well do not disturb it for at least 4 years, once the ginger plant dies down just keep the pot slightly moist until the shoots come through again at the begining of summer it is usually the last ginger plant to come through. To harvest just move the mulch to show the root and gently remove a piece, do not dig it up they do not like being disturbed, they live just below the surface under the top of the soil, they really are a pampered pet for us, as we live in a dry arid area, we keep it for its beauty not for eating it is too delicate. I hope thus helps you in your quest.

- Brenda Groffen

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