Growing Ginger

Zingiber Officinale : Zingiberaceae / the ginger family

Jan F M A M J J A S O N Dec

Not recommended for growing in Canada - Zone 5b Temperate Warm Summer regions

  • Plant pieces of fresh root showing signs of shoots. Best planted at soil temperatures between 20°C and 30°C. (Show °F/in)
  • Space plants: 15 cm apart
  • Harvest in approximately 25 weeks. Reduce water as plant dies back to encourage rhizome growth.
  • Compatible with (can grow beside): Grow in separate bed
  • Ginger plant
  • Ginger ready to harvest
  • Ginger root
  • New shoots of ginger

Ginger is a warm climate plant. It can be grown indoors in pots in cool/temperate areas. To grow well it needs lots of water and nutrients. Prepare the soil by adding compost which will retain some moisture but not get saturated. Add a small amount of sand to ensure drainage. Water regularly in summer to keep moist. In a pot, in addition to watering to keep moist, water ginger about once a fortnight with a seaweed or other liquid fertilizer. This perennial will die down in autumn. Remove the dead leaves. In spring lift the root clumps and break them up into smaller pieces to replant.

Harvesting Ginger: You can harvest ginger root after the plant dies down in winter, digging around the plant to cut off a piece of the older root. The young root with shoots is the actively growing plant and should be left to resprout.

You can also carefully dig down under the plant through the growing season to cut off bits of the older root for use, just be careful not to disturb the rest of the plant too much.

Let plants become well established before harvesting - it is often best to wait until the second growing season.

Make sure that you have edible ginger. Ginger plants sold in nurseries are usually decorative varieties and not suitable for eating.

Ginger can be grown in pots. The best growing temperature is around 25 - 30 C (75 - 85 F)

Culinary hints - cooking and eating Ginger

Ginger root freezes well either whole or grated, and can be used direct from the freezer in most recipes requiring fresh ginger.

Your comments and tips

01 Jul 22, CJ (Canada - Zone 5b Temperate Warm Summer climate)
05 Jul 22, Anonymous (Canada - zone 4a Temperate Warm Summer climate)
Read all the info here and do a lot of research on the internet about growing veggies and in pots. This site is a self help web site. Work out your climate zone and then look up different crops for when to plant in the calendar guide near the top of the page.
07 Sep 20, Dee (Canada - Zone 8a Mild Temperate climate)
Hi, in my 8a zone do I need to plant ginger in a pot always, or can I have it planted directly in the ground? And if I can plant it in the ground, when is the best time? I planted a few store bought ginger, and they are starting to grow about 15cm tall in a pot, do I need to move it to bigger and dipper pot? Thank you for answering my questions.
29 Oct 20, Anonymous (Canada - Zone 8a Mild Temperate climate)
Ginger is a warm/hot weather crop. When you go to a vegetable in your climate zone and there is no recommended planting months it means you probably can't grow it where you live. Read up about how to grow it on the internet. Can grow in the ground or pot. A pot probably about 40-50cm would do.
01 Aug 19, Ian (Canada - Zone 4b Temperate Warm Summer climate)
Have you any advice on soil pH for ginger?
01 Aug 19, Liz (New Zealand - temperate climate)
A pH of 6.5 should be good for ginger
02 Jul 19, Jane (Canada - Zone 8a Mild Temperate climate)
I have a healthy piece of ginger and I want to plant it. I suspect my question is really stupid but here goes. On one piece I have a healthy green shoot about 2 inches. Do I plant this with the green shoot facing up or down?
15 Jul 19, Gordon (Canada - Zone 6a Temperate Warm Summer climate)
Hi Jane, For most root tuber, the shoots will be reaching upwards to get above the soil to start gathering light energy while using the stored energy in the root. You probably see that the shoot is green so it already has the chlorophyl ready to start working. After the root tuber starts seeing some sucess from light harvest and finds itself in damp soil-lke conditions it will likely start generating the root hairs and larger branching roots to pull in new moisture and nutrients as the plant grows. So plant the ginger with the shoot facing upwards and it should have less work to reorient itself. Whether your root piece is just a finger shaped log or has multiple branches, just dig a shallow wide hole to lay the root down in. ( Like a hotdog or a cookie laying on a plate.) Not a deep narrow hole. The whole root should only be about 2-4 inches deep. Have fun, Gordon

Hi Jane, For most root tuber, the shoots will be reaching upwards to get above the soil to start gathering light energy while using the stored energy in the root. You probably see that the shoot is green so it already has the chlorophyl ready to start working. After the root tuber starts seeing some sucess from light harvest and finds itself in damp soil-lke conditions it will likely start generating the root hairs and larger branching roots to pull in new moisture and nutrients as the plant grows. So plant the ginger with the shoot facing upwards and it should have less work to reorient itself. Whether your root piece is just a finger shaped log or has multiple branches, just dig a shallow wide hole to lay the root down in. ( Like a hotdog or a cookie laying on a plate.) Not a deep narrow hole. The whole root should only be about 2-4 inches deep. Have fun, Gordon

- Gordon

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