Growing Ginger

Zingiber Officinale : Zingiberaceae / the ginger family

Jan F M A M J J A S O N Dec

Not recommended for growing in USA - Zone 5a regions

  • Plant pieces of fresh root showing signs of shoots. Best planted at soil temperatures between 68°F and 86°F. (Show °C/cm)
  • Space plants: 6 inches apart
  • Harvest in approximately 25 weeks. Reduce water as plant dies back to encourage rhizome growth.
  • Compatible with (can grow beside): Grow in separate bed

Your comments and tips

10 Mar 14, GJX (USA - Zone 6b climate)
Ginger is a tubular root lay it flat. Be sure you have rich soil, you can grow it in a large pot or outside. It will take a while for it to grow to size. Break off what you need and replant.
10 Sep 14, Marion C (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
I planted some ginger root in the garden and it is starting to swell at the buds, just wondering how deep I should have planted it.
01 Dec 13, Gay (USA - Zone 8b climate)
We have ginger growing in our garden that produces a beautiful reddish colored bloom. Is this an edible ginger?
08 Aug 13, Jagger (Australia - tropical climate)
I've moved from Brighton in Vic to Malaysia to China to rural Darwin. I grew to love Asian food. Since arriving in Darwin I have planted Ginger in a pot. Now in late July/ early August the leaves have died off and I am wondering what to do now. The previous year I left it and it turned to a hollow case of ginger bark. The year before that I harvested it and it was extremely woody. Can someone please tell me how to harvest, store and replant the ginger so I can increase my harvest year on year? Thanks!
22 Jun 13, John (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
I've been growing what appears to be healthy Ginger for over 3 years now initially from rhizomes of ginger bought at the supermarket. But whenever I severe a piece for cooking it looks and smells nothing like ginger being a bleached white in colour. Is there something I'm missing in the process?
01 Aug 13, John (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
No, you're not missing anything. That's just new ginger which hasn't been out of the ground long enough for the skin to toughen. It looks good, smells great, and tastes even better. Has quite spice hit, too.
21 Apr 13, jayn (Australia - temperate climate)
I grow edible ginger, two varieties, in Stanthorpe. I established them from sprouting ginger bought at the shops in two old concrete laundry troughs filled with compost and sand. The troughs are set close to the alls of the house which is built from granite with huge thermal mass and storing heat from the combustion stove inside and the sun during the day in winter. I also have a few plants out in the reed bed seepage along with bananas which occasionally set fruit. It's all about niche planting. I can grow almost anything tropical in a place that it's supposed to be impossible.
25 Apr 13, Steve (Australia - temperate climate)
Just wondering where your are, I'm in the Riverland SA and I have been growing ginger with a bit of success, however during summer 12-13 I had high temps and my ginger suffered, I lost all but one tuber, I'm wondering how you go through winter, I want to keep mine going through winter and leave it until this time next year, do I put it in a pot in as much sun as possible
28 Feb 13, Jess (Australia - temperate climate)
Is 'old ginger'the bit of ginger left in the soil the longest or do i dig up some 'young ginger' and wait for it to mature?
08 Feb 12, Kerry (Australia - tropical climate)
Just wandering what i can plant on my balcony (in pots) herbs spices i already have 5 spice, basil, mint.... In the tropics
Showing 241 - 250 of 254 comments

Hi there, a friend gave me a ginger plant but I've found different suggestions on the net wether to plant it in full sun or shade. Its a huge rhizome and app. 90 cm long green leafy stems. Should the whole root be covered by earth? I'm located in the Upper Hunter Valley, NSW. Thanks Olivia

- Olivia

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