Growing Ginger

Zingiber Officinale : Zingiberaceae / the ginger family

Jan F M A M J J A S O N Dec
P P P           P P P P

(Best months for growing Ginger in Australia - sub-tropical regions)

  • P = Plant root
  • Plant pieces of fresh root showing signs of shoots. Best planted at soil temperatures between 20°C and 30°C. (Show °F/in)
  • Space plants: 15 cm apart
  • Harvest in approximately 25 weeks. Reduce water as plant dies back to encourage rhizome growth.
  • Compatible with (can grow beside): Grow in separate bed

Your comments and tips

06 Sep 23, Anonymous (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Read the notes here about harvesting it.
28 Jul 23, dz (USA - Zone 10a climate)
the guide says for Zone 10A to plant ginger in Feb, but sometimes you just have to adapt as things occur. A couple of weeks ago (July), my wife handed me a piece of store bought ginger that had started to grow a shoot, so I put it in a small clean snack cup, added about 1/2" of water, and checked it daily, adding and/or changing water as needed, and in a couple weeks it had grown a lot of roots, and the shoot grew to about 4 inches and opened its third leaf, so this morning I planted it outside in a 5-gallon bucket and will continue to monitor it closely.
10 Nov 23, Eric (USA - Zone 10b climate)
I have a newly started piece of ginger growing. I am in zone 10 B and was wondering if it would do well through the winter outside or if I should bring it inside. Any insight is appreciated.
26 Feb 24, dz (USA - Zone 10a climate)
Eric, my ginger grew very well in the 5-gallon bucket and three additional shoots grew up, which I think means new root (rhizome) lobes have grown, and I've been leaving it alone during the winter to see how it does. We had minor frost a couple of nights in January and a lot of my more tropical / warm climate plants took some damage, including the ginger. As of today, the green growth has all died off, so I'll need to carefully check to see if the roots are still solid and not rotting from wet weather. My Taro root in a bucket next to the ginger also died down from the frost but has quickly recovered and is starting to grow some new leaves, so hopefully the ginger starts growing again soon.
22 Jul 23, (USA - Zone 9b climate)
It also says it will not grow in 9a/b which are warm climates.
27 Jul 23, (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Try it then.
16 Oct 23, Trip Bauer (USA - Zone 9b climate)
I've had pretty good success with Ginger on the 9a/9b border. I'm more inland and my property is fairly protected from a lot of wind.
19 Jul 23, Wilma Begly (USA - Zone 5a climate)
I would like to grow ginger, I live in ohio u s a but do not know which zone I am in. When can I plant it. Your advice would be Appreciate it on this. I am needing this for medicinal reasons. Thank you very much
24 Jul 23, (USA - Zone 5a climate)
If you want to grow ginger in Zone 5, you will need to plant it in a container and keep it indoors over winter, since ginger plants are not frost hardy.
02 May 23, paul feldman (USA - Zone 6b climate)
Will ginger grow as a perennial In zone 6b ?
Showing 11 - 20 of 483 comments

Just wondering where your are, I'm in the Riverland SA and I have been growing ginger with a bit of success, however during summer 12-13 I had high temps and my ginger suffered, I lost all but one tuber, I'm wondering how you go through winter, I want to keep mine going through winter and leave it until this time next year, do I put it in a pot in as much sun as possible

- Steve

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