Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec |
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T | T | T | T | T | T | T | T | T | |||
P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P |
(Best months for growing Fennel in Australia - temperate regions)
A tall plant with feathery looking leaves. The whole plant has an aniseed flavour, including the seeds. Choose a place in the garden where it can self seed without causing too much trouble and there will be seedlings every year.
Needs staking to protect the seed heads. Can grow to 1.5 m (5 ft). Keep watered, otherwise the leaves dry off.
Cut off leaves as required Use leaves fresh or dried . Particularly good with fish.
The seeds can be used in pickling mixes.
This planting guide is a general reference intended for home gardeners. We recommend that you take into account your local conditions in making planting decisions. Gardenate is not a farming or commercial advisory service. For specific advice, please contact your local plant suppliers, gardening groups, or agricultural department.
The information on this site is presented in good faith, but we take no responsibility as to the accuracy of the information provided.
We cannot help if you are overrun by giant slugs.
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