Growing Dill

Anethum graveolens : Apiaceae / the umbelliferae family

Jan F M A M J J A S O N Dec

(Best months for growing Dill in Australia - tropical regions)

  • S = Plant undercover in seed trays
  • T = Plant out (transplant) seedlings
  • P = Sow seed
  • Easy to grow. Sow in garden. Sow seed at a depth approximately three times the diameter of the seed. Best planted at soil temperatures between 10°C and 20°C. (Show °F/in)
  • Space plants: 15 cm apart
  • Harvest in 8-12 weeks. Use leaves before flowering.
  • Compatible with (can grow beside): Cabbage, Coriander, Fennel, tomatoes, broccoli

Your comments and tips

01 Oct 15, Mad Bastard (Australia - temperate climate)
Dill is a favorite snack for snails - beware.
04 Oct 14, Judi (Australia - tropical climate)
I an in the Carribean and hope the dill will grow. Very warm and humid here. Sunny and bright mostly.
09 Jan 14, Mick (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
DILL can get mildew some years use bi -carb spray or milk sunny spot helps every year in Australia is different may be the same everywhere else I dunno
26 Aug 13, hamish (Australia - tropical climate)
Dill is an amazing companion plant. Plant it amongst your brassicas (broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower etc) and it will keep away the cabbage moths. Plant it a little earlier to set up the patch. It's wonderful to eat with any potato or cheese dish and has abundant seed to replant.
31 Aug 12, Lee (Australia - temperate climate)
I wouldn't even bother with planting them in pots first. They grow like weeds! I didn't mean to grow them last year but the wind blew a packet of my seeds onto my gravel walk way and since then, they have flourish and seeded themselves. Now I have to actually pull them out otherwise they would take over. Mind you the gravel walkway is compacted and doesn't have any nutrients at all. Seriously, just throw some seeds out in your garden and let them take care of the rest.
13 Dec 11, (Australia - temperate climate)
The simplest way would be to use a degradable pot and plant the whole thing. There are ready made peat ones available at nurseries, or if you prefer not to use peat you can make biodegradable pots out of newspaper (a quick google will reveal instructions). You plant the whole pot, which if the soil is kept moist will soon break down. Soil blocks are another solution (I use these, and they're great!) but require a soil-blocker to make them.
07 Dec 11, Bekster (Australia - temperate climate)
Why does dill seem to not like being repotted? Every time I've tried it dies within a week. I've had very little success trying to grow from seed. Any tips for reducing shock and successfully repotting dill would be much appreciated:-)
05 Jan 15, Michael Ruth (Australia - tropical climate)
Dill grows a taproot, therefore it does not transplant well. The reason for its intolerance is that the taproot is usually damaged during transplantation or is replanted such that the taproot can't grow, i.e. in packed soil.
23 Nov 11, John Pannell (Australia - temperate climate)
I live near the ocean in Falcon, south of Mandurah, WA. I have tried to grow dill many times without success. I blamed the soil or the salty air. Three days ago my wife brought home a healthy dill plant about 25 cms tall in a pot. The next day the main stem was looking a little wilted. I cut it off and used it in a sauce. This morning the whole plant is frizzled. Any suggestions, please?
27 Feb 11, Ben Jeansson (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
The last few years we have been unable to raise dill anywhere in the garden. It has been ruined by what looks like mildew. A greyish powder that covers the whole plant. In the early 2000 we were very successful with growing dill, but now we have given up trying. Can you advice a remedy because we miss our favourite herb. Thanks
Showing 21 - 30 of 31 comments

Whole flowered dill is also great for pickling cucumbers both in just salt water (salty gherkins made in Eastern Europe) or the traditional vinegar gherkins - yum!

- Karina

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