Growing Cucumber

cucumis sativis : Cucurbitaceae / the gourd family

Jan F M A M J J A S O N Dec
      S S              
        T T T          
        P P            

(Best months for growing Cucumber in USA - Zone 5a regions)

  • S = Plant undercover in seed trays
  • T = Plant out (transplant) seedlings
  • P = Sow seed
  • Sow in garden. Sow seed at a depth approximately three times the diameter of the seed. Best planted at soil temperatures between 61°F and 95°F. (Show °C/cm)
  • Space plants: 16 - 24 inches apart
  • Harvest in 8-10 weeks. Cut fruit off with scissors or sharp knife.
  • Compatible with (can grow beside): Nasturtiums, Beans, Celery, Lettuce, Sweet Corn, Cabbages, Sunflowers, Coriander, Fennel, Dill, Sunflowers
  • Avoid growing close to: Potato, Tomatoes

Your comments and tips

17 Feb 14, joe graham (Australia - temperate climate)
my cucumber is growing like crazy on a 3 meter trellis and on wood chip around fence line. there are dozens of male flowers open in the last week to 10 days but no female flowers. there seems to be a female flower next to each male flower but none of them look like opening. any idea what im doing wrong i have fordork giant silverbeet growing in same bed and this is not very green..
15 Feb 14, Glenn (Australia - temperate climate)
Cucumbers respond very well to Osmocote
03 Feb 14, Carole (Australia - cool/mountain climate)
I plant my cucumber seed in the ground and have had no luck at all this year. They pop up nicely and then disappear. It's not snails or slugs, I think it's Rosellas. I've planted seed four times so far and three plants survive. It's now too late to plant again here as they won't fruit before the first frosts.
26 Jan 14, Pete willson (Australia - arid climate)
What ph level do cucumber like
03 Jan 14, Wendy Forsyth (Australia - temperate climate)
Great advice on here- much appreciated!!
14 Dec 13, Sue Askevold (Australia - temperate climate)
I have fertilizer, good compost and every time I put cucumber plants in this year they wilt and die in 24 hours, they have water. Why????
02 Feb 14, Angus (Australia - temperate climate)
Try using some Seasol to prevent transplantation shock.
14 Dec 13, miss joy (Australia - cool/mountain climate)
I have planted two to three punnets of Crystal cucumbers into garden bed. all good until vines seemed to multiply??? Perhaps stray pumpkin vines have self sown as well. Hard to tell which is which and I would like to thin out some of the vines to allow tomatoes' a fair go. any hints on how to tell the difference between crystal cucumbers and pumpkins??? some vines are long and rangy with twisted creeper/feelers.
10 Dec 13, Elizabeth (Australia - temperate climate)
It's the second time I'm growing pickle cucumber , but I don't what happened this year, the leaves are yellow, cucumbers are yellow. Don't know what to do :(
01 Nov 13, Darby (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Same here, millions of them all around and in my containers of potatos. I have poured boiling water all around the pavers and set the containers off the ground on cutoffs of an old wooden trellis. It has helped and now I am setting down some 'ant rid' which I hope will eradicate any more nests.Keeping the soil moist is good too, ants don't like it wet.
Showing 231 - 240 of 387 comments

The rules of companion planting indicate that cucumbers and tomatoes/potatoes should not be planted in close proximity to one another. Let's consider what companion planting is all about first. 1. Companion planting is about creating a diversity in the garden that reduces the chances of PESTs/disease wiping out your garden. So in CP you don't plant things that are prone to the same diseases or attract the same pests close together. In the case of cukes and tomatoes it is: fusarium wilt and powdery mildew. (there could be more things...but this is enough that you have violated one of CP rules). 2. CP is about nutrition in the soil -- that is, you would not plant two things in close proximity that both require heavy amount of any particular mineral/vitamin. So for example if both plants are heavy feeders of potassium -- clearly they would compete too heavily for this resource most likely all plants would not get enough potassium. Cucumbers are heavy feeders and require lots of nitrogen and potassium. Pale, yellowish leaves indicate nitrogen deficiency. Leaf bronzing is a sign of potassium deficiency. Potatoes LOVE potassium, and low levels of potassium cause hollow heart (the middle of the potatoes looks like it is rotting), further the potato plant needs ALL it's potassium at the early stages (BEFORE setting tubers). Potatoes are also HEAVY feeders. Tomatoes are HEAVY feeders. So CP says not to plant heavy feeders next to each other... they compete to much for nutrition. Ok, so now you know why CP says not to plant these plants next to each other. The question then becomes.... but CAN I still do it knowing about the wilt and mildew and potassium and general heavy feeding of all the plants.... SURE, BUT be sure to add lots of nutrition to the soil (compost/manure) add lots of potassium (before planting mainly) and be sure to top up the nutrition during the growing phases... so maybe add manure/compost before planting, mid season and again when fruit starts setting. Also all these plants LOVE water... and lots of it, and this to me, makes it convenient when watering, to have my water lovers all in one spot... that way I can just dump a 5 gallon bucket of water int he middle of them. Also, careful how you trellis the cucumber, you don't want to create a roof over the tomatoes/potatoes that will hold moisture and encourage the mildews.

- Celeste Archer

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