Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec |
P | P | P | P | P | P |
(Best months for growing Collards in USA - Zone 10a regions)
Leafy, green vegetable - heat tolerant so a good substitute for kale and cabbage in tropical areas. Also recommended for health reasons.
For best flavor and texture, leaves should be picked before they reach their maximum size.
Slice and steam or use in stir-fry.
One of the most common vegetables in East Africa.
In the United States, collard greens symbolize Southern culture and African-American culture and identity.
This planting guide is a general reference intended for home gardeners. We recommend that you take into account your local conditions in making planting decisions. Gardenate is not a farming or commercial advisory service. For specific advice, please contact your local plant suppliers, gardening groups, or agricultural department.
The information on this site is presented in good faith, but we take no responsibility as to the accuracy of the information provided.
We cannot help if you are overrun by giant slugs.
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