Growing Chilli peppers, also Hot peppers

Capsicum sp. : Solanaceae / the nightshade family

Jan F M A M J J A S O N Dec
S S           S S S S S
T T T             T T T

(Best months for growing Chilli peppers in Australia - sub-tropical regions)

  • S = Plant undercover in seed trays
  • T = Plant out (transplant) seedlings
  • Grow in seed trays, and plant out in 4-6 weeks. Sow seed at a depth approximately three times the diameter of the seed. Best planted at soil temperatures between 64°F and 95°F. (Show °C/cm)
  • Space plants: 16 - 20 inches apart
  • Harvest in 9-11 weeks. Wear gloves to pick 'hot' chillies.
  • Compatible with (can grow beside): Best grown in a separate bed as chillies need plenty of light and air circulation.

Your comments and tips

17 Feb 20, Astrid (South Africa - Summer rainfall climate)
Hi Ahmed, It depends on how much shade they get. I live in Johannesburg North and have successfully grown chillies in an area that gets around 3 hours of sun a day in summer (less in winter). Important is that they are in a sheltered location. I have successfully grown 3 chilli bushes - they are now 4 years old. The varieties I have were selected for their longevity (not annuals) and shade tolerance, and bought online from Livingseeds: 2 pepperdew types (Shan's sundew and Carl's sundew) as well as the West Park Birds Eye chilli. The West Park produces so prolifically that I get more chillies than leaves on the plant! You will need to do some pruning of the bushes in spring because they get more leggy than they would in full sun - cut back about 1/3 in early spring before any leaves appear. So unless you have total shade I recommend you give it a try.
27 Jan 20, Sekete Moshoeshoe (South Africa - Summer rainfall climate)
Which areas are best fit for growing jalapeno in South Africa?
03 Feb 20, Anon (South Africa - Summer rainfall climate)
Look up the climate zones to see if it grows in your climate zone.
20 Nov 19, (Australia - tropical climate)
Is there any one in Cairns successfully grow chillies Do you have to grow them in green houses or in the sun I have been told I will have to have a green house as it is to hot and wet Love to hear from a grower in Cairns Fred
12 Nov 20, Nick (Australia - tropical climate)
I grow chili all year in Cairns. They do better if planted in the cooler months and the heavy rain in the wet season will kill smaller planta.
25 Nov 19, anon (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Look for when they say to plant. GROW in autumn/winter not summer.
22 Nov 19, anon (Australia - tropical climate)
I have that wrong with the melons etc. In tropics plant mid-late Autumn. In the sub tropics plant spring but you need to germinate the seeds in late winter- a problem with soil temps then as they are a little low. Germinate indoors in a warm area.
10 Oct 19, Phil Rodwell (Australia - temperate climate)
Just wanted to say what an amazingly useful resource your site is. Thanks for so much useful advice. Regards Phil Rodwell (Thank you, from the Gardenate team)
15 Sep 19, Lucas Potgieter (South Africa - Summer rainfall climate)
Where can i buy Red Habanero or Carolina Reeper chillies or some seeds. Call or Whatsup 0818072427
27 Aug 19, Jodie (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
What best month plant chilli seeds please
Showing 71 - 80 of 434 comments

Just have good rich loose soil, Soil that has had some manures and compost added to it. Some general fertiliser.

- Anonymous

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