Growing Chilli peppers, also Hot peppers

Capsicum sp. : Solanaceae / the nightshade family

Jan F M A M J J A S O N Dec
      S S S            
        T T T          

(Best months for growing Chilli peppers in Australia - tropical regions)

  • S = Plant undercover in seed trays
  • T = Plant out (transplant) seedlings
  • Grow in seed trays, and plant out in 4-6 weeks. Sow seed at a depth approximately three times the diameter of the seed. Best planted at soil temperatures between 18°C and 35°C. (Show °F/in)
  • Space plants: 40 - 50 cm apart
  • Harvest in 9-11 weeks. Wear gloves to pick 'hot' chillies.
  • Compatible with (can grow beside): Best grown in a separate bed as chillies need plenty of light and air circulation.

Your comments and tips

27 Jan 19, Peter Krochmal (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
try PEPPER JOE'S in the USA, specialised in super hot chilies. Mails seeds to Australia, with a good germination rate.
24 Jan 19, Scott (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Hi, I have chilli plants and capsicum plants all around the house. (As well as tomatoes, basil ,herbs etc) All of the shoots and new flowers on 95% of the plants are eaten to the stem. There is no sign of any pests?
30 Nov 18, Jezza boruch (Australia - temperate climate)
I've found that wildfire chilli's in WA is a great and prompt chilli seed seller, great variety and delivered within 5 days
23 Nov 18, emilia kreti (Australia - temperate climate)
in Melbourne where can i buy the hottest chillis
14 Jul 19, Angelo (Australia - temperate climate)
Bulleen Art & Garden Nursery sell them!
25 Nov 18, milke (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Ask around at grocers.
18 Nov 18, emilia kreti (Australia - temperate climate)
i like to grow my very hot peppers in a pot where do i find seeds & what its name
18 Nov 18, Mike (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Contact Boondie seeds and ask them on the internet.
19 Oct 18, wayne rub (Australia - tropical climate)
is there any chilli plants that take full sun all day better than others
23 Oct 18, Mike (Australia - temperate climate)
I don't know - but stick to the planting times and in the hot tropics use mulch around them and water often probably.
Showing 21 - 30 of 272 comments

I don't mean to be rude, but would like to clarify a few things that have been said here, and give a bit of information. The Bhut Jolokia is supposed to be ~1.5 million Scoville units in heat and is realistically about 1 million, compared to a Habanero, which is usually ~300,000 Scoville units. The habanero is too hot for most, and the Bhut Jolokia is only for the diehard Chilliheads. Scotch Bonnets, Habaneros, and Bhut Jolokias are all Capsicum Chinense, whereas the standard chillies (pointy-ended ones) are Capsicum Annuum, and are usually alot more mild. Sweet Bell Peppers (Capsicums) are C. Annuum, and can cross-pollinate with other Chillies. Kate - Chillies are usually fairly slow-growing plants compared to things like Tomatoes etc. Right now, it may be too cold for them to be in full swing. The flowers are self-fertile, so will pollinate themselves, but you need to help them along by sticking pollen to the Pistil using a cotton bud or similar. Swirling your finger around gently inside the flower works too. When the fruit is pollinated, the flower will go brown, and drop off, and the fruit should start growing. Flowers browning and dropping could also be due to a poor feeding regime. On most (all?) fertiliser bottles you will see a NPK number set. N=Nitrogen, P=Potassium, K=Phosphorus. General vegetative growth (leaves/stems) is encouraged by high-N analysis fertilisers, and flowering is encouraged by high P/K analysis fertilisers. At this time of year, I have my chillies inside on shelves in front of a large west-facing window. Usually, I find that if the overnight low temperature drops below about 5 degrees C then they will stop growing/flowering. I would try and be patient with your Capsicums and Chillies. As they are already established, you should get a good head start this season. Good luck!

- Buzz Killington

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