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(Best months for growing Cauliflower in USA - Zone 10a regions)
Large leafed cabbage-like with a white 'curd' or flower forming in the centre. It can be hard to grow successfully. More frost sensitive than most brassicas, it's also not particularly heat tolerant. They tend to fail if stressed when transplanting.
Watch for cabbage white butterfly. Grow better in cooler temperatures. Not suitable for warm areas. Break a leaf over the head to prevent the curd becoming discoloured.
Cauliflower can be eaten raw, steamed, stirfried, grilled, or roasted. Popular grated and steamed/stirfried as a low-carb rice substitute.
Cook briefly and add to curry mix.
Traditionally served with cheese sauce. Add tomato slices for colour.
Toss with oil and spices and roast/grill until browned and delicious!
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