Growing Cape Gooseberry, also Golden Berry, Inca Berry

Physalis peruviana : Solanaceae / the nightshade family

Jan F M A M J J A S O N Dec

(Best months for growing Cape Gooseberry in USA - Zone 5a regions)

  • S = Plant undercover in seed trays
  • T = Plant out (transplant) seedlings
  • P = Sow seed
  • Easy to grow. Sow in garden. Sow seed at a depth approximately three times the diameter of the seed. Best planted at soil temperatures between 10°C and 25°C. (Show °F/in)
  • Space plants: 100 - 150 cm apart
  • Harvest in 14-16 weeks.
  • Compatible with (can grow beside): Will happily grow in a flower border but tends to sprawl over other plants.

Your comments and tips

29 Jan 14, Christie (USA - Zone 6b climate)
You can get the package of dried ones at health food stores like natural grocers, whole foods, trader joes, etc and pick out the seeds (very easy to do as they are loaded with them) and plant them.
12 Apr 13, ROY BRYANT (USA - Zone 7a climate)
I am planting Cape Gooseberry plants in Central new Jersey, My question is: After growing all summer will they survive the winter?
10 Nov 14, Anson (USA - Zone 5a climate)
Roy, They will not survive the winter. Physalsis peruviana will die if the temperature falls below 30 degrees F. It roots easily from cuttings, though, which allows you to bring plants indoors for winter, and is easy to grow from seed. -Anson
10 Apr 13, Joanne (USA - Zone 8a climate)
Will gooseberries grow for me in the Sacramento valley of California? Would they prefer sun or shade? Thank you!
10 Nov 14, Anson (USA - Zone 5a climate)
Joanne, Cape gooseberries will thrive in the Sacramento Valley. They prefer full sun. -Anson
05 Dec 12, Deb Reid (Australia - temperate climate)
How you do eradicate the 3-lined Lema beetle which attacks the leaves and stresses the plant at all 3 stages of its life please?
27 Sep 10, Don (USA - Zone 8b climate)
Can anyone offer advice on growing cape gooseberries on the Gulf Coast? I have seeds and I'm curious about when to plant them.
19 Nov 10, Liz (New Zealand - sub-tropical climate)
Don, you should be able to grow cape gooseberries most of the year on the Gulf Coast. Frost or drought will affect them but otherwise they like warm, humid weather.
Showing 41 - 48 of 48 comments

Hi, i live in Ontario. I got a golden berry in the husk from the market. i saved the seeds as folows: open the fruit, squeeze all flesh and fruit in a strainer. Wash it well, the flesh will separate. Pick it up and wash the seeds some more. Then you can put them on a paper towel to dry, they will stick to that but you can plant them with the paper, no problem. Or put them on a plate, let them dry well adn the bag them or plant them. I planted about half the seeds. Cover lightly with soil and i set them under growing lights, covered. I started them in January, they took about 3 weeks to emerge, uncovered and let them grow under lights. Potted them up. They say do not fetilize, but the leaves came yellow with green stripes, so i fed them fish emulsion diluted. They grew beautiful. Fed them about 3 times only. Never since. It is end of May and couple of them have a handfull of flowers. I experimented with pinching the top. Online they say do not pinch, let them grow 9 to 12 nodes and they will split naturally. true. The ones not pinched split and the first flowers grows right there. The pinched ones do not have any flowers yet, they are bushier though. I will plant them out in sandy soil in a week. I will save seeds this year and can send to anyone in Canada wanting to try. They are annuals in zone 5 so you need to start them every year. Very easy to grow, and if they make 150 to 300 fruits per plant it is well worth it. In the husk they store up to 3 months at room temperature. I can let you know how long will take from seed to fruit. Have fun !!!

- Adela

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