Growing Broccoli

Brassica sp. : Brassicaceae / the mustard or cabbage family

Jan F M A M J J A S O N Dec
      S S              
        T T T          

(Best months for growing Broccoli in Australia - tropical regions)

  • S = Plant undercover in seed trays
  • T = Plant out (transplant) seedlings
  • Easy to grow. Grow in seed trays, and plant out in 4-6 weeks. Sow seed at a depth approximately three times the diameter of the seed. Best planted at soil temperatures between 7°C and 30°C. (Show °F/in)
  • Space plants: 35 - 50 cm apart
  • Harvest in 10-16 weeks. Cut flowerhead off with a knife..
  • Compatible with (can grow beside): Dwarf (bush) beans, beets, celery, cucumber, onions, marigold, nasturtium, rhubarb, aromatic herbs (sage, dill, chamomile, oregano)
  • Avoid growing close to: Climbing (pole) beans, tomato, peppers (chilli, capsicum), eggplant (aubergine), strawberry, mustard

Your comments and tips

16 Aug 13, Kristy (Australia - temperate climate)
Once the second set of leaves emerge you should be right to transplant.
16 Aug 13, Kristy (Australia - temperate climate)
They should have germinated within 4 weeks. Make sure the seeds are fresh and use good quality soil or a seed raising mix. If its early in the season you can try starting the seeds off in a mini greenhouse type arrangement. Goodluck :)
14 Aug 13, Cass (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
How long does it usually take for seeds to sprout. I have sowed seeds 4 weeks ago and still they haven't sprouted - getting concerned. Maybe it was too early?
18 Jun 13, abbie (Australia - temperate climate)
put some netting over so no bugs can get through
16 May 13, Jenny (Australia - temperate climate)
I have planted broccoli seeds and put them in my hothouse. The seedlings have emerged. How big must the plants be before planting them in my veggie patch?
18 Oct 12, Emily (Australia - tropical climate)
I have just started my first vegi patch so far so good but i have a big bunch of broccoli but i have these tiny grey bugs on them and they all sit in big groups. Ive put down some pellets but they don't seem to be going.
23 Oct 12, Akhi (Australia - cool/mountain climate)
The bugs are most likely Aphids. They are very adept at hiding under the Broccoli florets and hence very tough to eradicate organically. I ten to grow my Broccoli in late summer- early fall ( when the aphids are begunning to find the cool nights a bit uncomfortable) to harvest in early spring which avoids the bugs.
09 Oct 12, Terry (Australia - temperate climate)
I live in Perth and have just finished a beautiful harvest of my broccoli. I'm going to plant some more seedlings today. If you are not getting any heads developing give them a dose of Potassium Permanganate. Five or so grains in a 9 litre watering can, weak enough so you can see the bottom of the can. Good for any vegetable or flower not producing flowers! Give it to them twice 2 or 3 weeks apart.
28 Dec 12, Di (Australia - cool/mountain climate)
Thank you for that great tip Terry. I will give the Potassium Permanganate a whirl for the toms I have that don't seem to be putting out many flowers!! Hmmm I just might try it on the caulies too!! Cheers Di.
21 Aug 12, Deanna (USA - Zone 9b climate)
I have fabulous success with broccoli year after year. I have a couple of tips that help prevent/delay bolting and a question. Tips: Keep broccoli moist. Never let it dry, especially during warmer weather. To retain moisture and drastically reduce weeds, use a heavy mulch. I use hay and I add a layer as soon as the bottom layer starts to break down. One bale of hay will mulch about 100' sq and costs about five bucks. I grow my broccoli with collards, cauliflower, cabbage, carrots and onions during the cooler weather and with whatever survives, pops up or I get around to planting (cause we have 5 growing seasons here). Now the question: Although I can grow broccoli that's so green it's blue, is 4' tall and 6' around and produces side shoots for three husband HATES the variety! I'm aware of the difference in the flavor of this particular variety (Waltham 29). It has an extremely dense taste, similar to asparagus, which I love, but Eddie refuses to eat it so it's pointless to grow it! Any suggestions on a heading variety (heat tolerant) that's more like the market variety? I collect my seed, so I try to find heirlooms, open pollenated.
Showing 171 - 180 of 316 comments

Does it get cold enough for long enough where you are? Broccoli needs cool weather.

- Patty Kipps

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