Growing Broad Beans, also Fava bean

Vicia faba : Fabaceae / the pea or legume family

Jan F M A M J J A S O N Dec
              P P      

(Best months for growing Broad Beans in USA - Zone 5a regions)

  • P = Sow seed
  • Easy to grow. Sow in garden. Sow seed at a depth approximately three times the diameter of the seed. Best planted at soil temperatures between 43°F and 75°F. (Show °C/cm)
  • Space plants: 6 - 10 inches apart
  • Harvest in 12-22 weeks. Pick frequently to encourage more pods.
  • Compatible with (can grow beside): Dill, Potatoes

Your comments and tips

22 Aug 21, Richard Stancliffe (New Zealand - cool/mountain climate)
Nice - will have try that.
16 Oct 20, Matt Molloy (New Zealand - temperate climate)
what should ph of soil be?
19 Oct 20, (New Zealand - temperate climate)
Best to plant them in the autumn. They need cool/cold weather.
18 Oct 20, Liz (New Zealand - temperate climate)
a ph of 6.5 seems to suit most vegetables
05 Jun 20, Pastor Dennis Naidoo (South Africa - Summer rainfall climate)
Good Day I have planted Tom Thumb peas in May and its now sprouting. What nutrients should i feed the pea plants. Regards Dennis
08 Jun 20, Anonymous (South Africa - Summer rainfall climate)
You should prepare your ground/soil a few weeks/months before you plant things. Mix in compost or add some mulch and wet it and turn it over a few times to break it down over a few months before planting. Add some composted manures etc. Also some blood and bone. If you do that then you don't need much fertiliser. If your soil is rich now it don't need anything. If you have poor soil just use a general gardening fert 10-13N 2-4P 3-6K. Or buy an organic fert - they are about 4N 2P 3-4K.
03 May 20, Ganas Naidoo (South Africa - Semi-arid climate)
Please tell me, is broad beans and canned butter beans the same
04 May 20, liz (New Zealand - temperate climate)
No, they are different varieties of beans
21 Apr 20, Lea Zimmer (Australia - temperate climate)
This is a worry to me.. My greenhouse seedlings are dying. What can I do. The soil is wet, Do I need artificial lighting and heating. Can someone advise Thank you
22 Apr 20, M (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Are you playing around with a toy greenhouse from Bunnings or Aldi or do you have a decent size one, like 4-5m x 5-6m. IF your soil is WET WET then you are over watering it. Do you have heavy clay soil or loamy soil. MAKE your soil more friable by adding compost, manures etc. Water should drain through soil easily. I t should not sit on the top for any length of time. A greenhouse protects the plants from the drying sun so water less. Little plants only need a light watering each day for the first week or so, then a good watering each 2-3 days.
Showing 41 - 50 of 342 comments

The nice thing about fava beans is you don't have to cook them -- and you don't have to shell them (if they are still young -- they are young enough to eat whole UP TO THE point where they have plumped up fully and the pod is NOT YET fibrous -- once the pods are fibrous the pods need to be discarded (keep the beans) because the fibrous pods are too difficult to digest and will cause lots of discomfort). OK -- so I use my young pods raw (entire pod -- and some leaves and stalk) to make a pesto. I use this pesto as a dip. I also chop up the full pod and use them in stews (Garnish with some leaves). I use the leaves and some stalk (chopped up) when I make scrabbled eggs -- adding the fava once the scrambled eggs are about 15 seconds from done -- in other words just incorporating them into the scrambled eggs and then removing from the pan. If your unsure about what I mean when I say fibrous -- if you where to put the full pod in a blender/chopper -- after you chop, look at the mixture -- if the pods where too fibrous you will see "MESH" yes "MESH" -- looks like pieces of wire mesh -- pick these out and discard these. I NEVER DOUBLE SHELL -- the beans are always good -- but may need to be softened up like any dried bean needs to be.

- Celeste Archer

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