Growing Beetroot, also Beets

Beta vulgaris : Amaranthaceae / the amaranth family

Jan F M A M J J A S O N Dec
  S S S S              
    T T T T            
    P P P P            

(Best months for growing Beetroot in Australia - tropical regions)

  • S = Plant undercover in seed trays
  • T = Plant out (transplant) seedlings
  • P = Sow seed
  • Easy to grow. Sow in garden. Sow seed at a depth approximately three times the diameter of the seed. Best planted at soil temperatures between 7°C and 25°C. (Show °F/in)
  • Space plants: 20 - 30 cm apart
  • Harvest in 7-10 weeks.
  • Compatible with (can grow beside): Onions, Silverbeet (Swiss Chard), Lettuce, Cabbage, Dwarf Beans, Dill, Peas. Strawberries
  • Avoid growing close to: Asparagus, Carrots, Sweetcorn, Spinach

Your comments and tips

09 Mar 16, Mickey (Australia - temperate climate)
Beetroot seeds have been grown in poly boxes in shade cloth house. Germination 3 weeks on. 3-4 small leaves. Are they supposed to have such a long stalk approximately 20cm below leaf. Is this normal
16 Mar 16, Dennis (Australia - temperate climate)
I am having the trouble, my beetroot seedlings are growing on long long stalks, perhaps someone has an answer, they are under 50 per cent shade.. Great site Gardenate thanks.
28 Mar 16, sooze (Australia - temperate climate)
Too much shade causes legginess. I would start again and give much more light.
02 Mar 16, Mr. Mmusetsi Chesa Monaise (South Africa - Semi-arid climate)
which ferterlizer is good for beetroot
13 Mar 16, Bee-Pie (South Africa - Summer rainfall climate)
Needs little nitrogen. Too much will lead to excessive foliage at the expense of root development. As long as you've given the soil a boost with blood and bone before planting, they should have enough phosphorous for healthy root growth.
19 Feb 16, Graham (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
I am getting a corky piece starting to grow out of the dirt do I also separate every one of them and if so do I pull them out of the ground and replant
13 Sep 16, Sally su (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Hi Graham That corky piece might be the makings of a beetroot. Don't pull them all out, just thin out by taking the weaker looking plants to give the stronger plants more room. When you mention replanting, root crops like beetroot and carrot don't respond to transplanting very well, unless you can keep the soil around them intact so as not to disturb the roots at all. Sally Su
14 Feb 16, jackie.fick (South Africa - Summer rainfall climate)
could I plant beetroot in same land that garlic had fusarium rot
17 Mar 16, Bee-Pie (South Africa - Summer rainfall climate)
I would not advise it. You're better off sterilizing the soil as many plants are susceptible to fusarium root rot.
12 Feb 16, Adriana (Australia - temperate climate)
Hi, I'm from Whyalla, South Australia, when is the best time for me to plant beetroot? Thank you, much appreciated.
Showing 151 - 160 of 370 comments

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