Growing Beans - dwarf, also French beans, Bush beans

Phaseolus vulgaris : Fabaceae / the pea or legume family

Jan F M A M J J A S O N Dec
        P P            

(Best months for growing Beans - dwarf in USA - Zone 5a regions)

  • P = Sow seed
  • Easy to grow. Sow in garden. Sow seed at a depth approximately three times the diameter of the seed. Best planted at soil temperatures between 61°F and 86°F. (Show °C/cm)
  • Space plants: 2 - 6 inches apart
  • Harvest in 7-10 weeks. Pick often to encourage more flower production.
  • Compatible with (can grow beside): Sweetcorn, spinach, lettuce, summer savory, dill, carrots, brassicas, beets, radish, strawberry and cucumbers, tagates minuta (wild marigold)
  • Avoid growing close to: Alliums (Chives, leek, garlic, onions) Sunflower

Your comments and tips

07 Nov 15, John McKean (Australia - temperate climate)
My bush beans are struggling this year. They are in a raised bed 10m long. Half is broad beans and half is bush beans. The broad beans are flourishing but the bush beans are struggling to get out of the ground. About half didn't germinate and the leaves on many have been chewed by something. I have planted new seeds in the locations where the first planting didn't take. Many other vegies in my vegie garden are doing very well. Any tips?
27 Sep 15, AJ (Australia - temperate climate)
if you are in a temperate climate May will always produce brown leaves and beans plant beans in October we only get one crop in our climate, I will plant mine on the 1st quarter of the moon in October I only get one crop over summer and this is the time I plant and get bumper crop fingers crossed :), blanch and freeze for winter. AJ
17 Aug 15, William Barnett (Australia - temperate climate)
Hoi Just reading your issue with the beans sounds like you might have a problem similar to what I have had a few years ago my issue was a fungal disease called fusarium wilt possibly from sugar cane mulch used underneath grosse lisse tomatoes disease starts at the base leaves and works it way up the plant turning brown. I have continued to to solve the problem by laying newspaper and pea straw over the affected area and setting alight burn the area and digging the charred paper and straw remains into the soil laying
03 May 15, Lyn (Australia - temperate climate)
My bush beans are struggling this year. I have planted them in a different raised bed to last year. This latest crop has some of the beans looking more brown than green. They are still crispy but discoloured. Are they edible? I trim off leaves that look unhealthy and throw them in the bin. Should I persist with this crop for the good beans which I still get or dig them all up due to a disease problem? Thank you for your time. Lyn
29 Jun 15, Gilberte Marie Nijs (Australia - temperate climate)
I always try to avoid putting diseased leaves in the compost. I am trying this kind of bush bean this year, I hope it will go well. I wish i could give you some advise but am a very novice gardener.
15 Aug 15, Lyn (Australia - temperate climate)
Thank you for replying! I did give up on the beans, dug them up and threw them out. I left that raised bed free for 2 months and have now removed the top 15cm or so of soil from all of my raised beds (hoping to be rid of all problems). I have added compost and fresh soil and will try again. Wish me luck!
02 Mar 15, Phil (Australia - temperate climate)
Can dwarf beans have a second harvest? If so, just how do I go about it.
30 Oct 14, lydia (Australia - temperate climate)
i planted my beans with a sunflower is there any way i can keep them growing
03 Oct 14, Bethany (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
how much sun do they need
08 Sep 14, Val (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Will my dwarf bean seeds have beans to harvest if they are covered in a raised garden?? Are they self pollinating?
Showing 51 - 60 of 108 comments

hi friends, have any of you tried to grow garbanzo beans in zone 9b or anywhere with similar climate? any suggestions? or things to be wary of that you experienced? thanks for sharing xx

- CM

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