Growing Beans - dwarf, also French beans, Bush beans

Phaseolus vulgaris : Fabaceae / the pea or legume family

Jan F M A M J J A S O N Dec
        P P            

(Best months for growing Beans - dwarf in USA - Zone 5a regions)

  • P = Sow seed
  • Easy to grow. Sow in garden. Sow seed at a depth approximately three times the diameter of the seed. Best planted at soil temperatures between 61°F and 86°F. (Show °C/cm)
  • Space plants: 2 - 6 inches apart
  • Harvest in 7-10 weeks. Pick often to encourage more flower production.
  • Compatible with (can grow beside): Sweetcorn, spinach, lettuce, summer savory, dill, carrots, brassicas, beets, radish, strawberry and cucumbers, tagates minuta (wild marigold)
  • Avoid growing close to: Alliums (Chives, leek, garlic, onions) Sunflower

Your comments and tips

04 Nov 13, Louise (Australia - temperate climate)
dwarf beans have a deficiency pale blotchy leaves and spindly plant. What's a happenin?
02 Nov 13, Dave (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
When you say avoid growing with, how far away do you mean?
26 Oct 13, Daisy (Australia - temperate climate)
Hi, I was about to transplant four bean seedlings this morning. But just right after I brought them out, two seedlings got their stems folded..they are not broken but not far away from broken. Anyone can help please???? Thanks very much!
17 Oct 13, Violet (South Africa - Dry summer sub-tropical climate)
We have a lot of rain. Is this why my bean plants are going brown?
15 Jun 13, ray (United Kingdom - cool/temperate climate)
dwarf beans get about 18 inches and need a little support,they also prefer cool temps.
24 Nov 20, Anonymous (United Kingdom - warm/temperate climate)
Hill the soil up around the bottom stem when about 10 (what?)
02 May 13, Tean i growrence Bull (United Kingdom - warm/temperate climate)
Question please :- Can I grow my dwarf beans in 12" tubs ? and how high do they grow ? or have I got to plant them along with my runner beans on canes ? Thanks
21 Apr 13, Mthandazo Moyo (South Africa - Summer rainfall climate)
Hi .... I'm in lesotho I would like to know under which climate I am. I think I fall under summer rains. So I just want to be sure of the dates for planting green beans. Thank you
16 Apr 13, bob marly (Australia - temperate climate)
how long does it take for dwarf beans to begin sprouting?
30 Apr 13, Sustainable Jill (Australia - temperate climate)
Depends on temperature...and whether or not the seeds have been eaten, or rotted because they were too wet. If you are growing in the right temperature (warm) it shouldn't be very long - maybe a week or a bit longer if the soil is cool.
Showing 101 - 110 of 158 comments

When and if you plant your beans too closely together (or if you plant in the shade) - they will REACH for the light, becoming very leggy. Planting too close together stops the light from hitting the sides of the plant (plants in the middle are effectively in the shade with exception to the top portion), only the top portion of the plant gets sunlight and therefore the plant reaches that way.... "up". You could, if you were planting only one row provided the row ran N/S plant closely together because 2 sides get full sun (if rows run W/E the plants in the same row tend to shade each other -- plant large plants on the North side of rows that run N/S; this is Northern Hemisphere). That's why spacing is usually given as, between plants (within a row that runs N/S) and then the distance between rows (running W/E). Of course if you are planting on a steep slope, than run your rows parallel to the slope as a general rule of thumb This is the above ground portion of plant spacing. There is also the below ground portion of plant spacing: roots, water and nutrition. If you were to just look at the root (and ignore for a moment the above ground portion): tap rooted plants can be planted closer together than fibrous root plants, because the tap root goes DOWN, and fibrous spreads out and down. Companion planting takes root and sunlight requirements into account: for example: you can plant carrots AROUND a tomato plant ; because carrots don't need much light (and the tomato does), and carrots being a tap root don't interfere with the fibrous roots of the tomato plant, which just go around the carrot. Mind you when you pull the carrot you do disrupt the tomato a little; but not so much that I would be concerned. You can get more vegetables in a smaller space when you learn which plants can work as "understory" plants to others. When it comes to plant nutrition; spacing ensure there is enough soil to source the appropriate vitamins and minerals a plant requires. When planting tightly; or using companion planting you need to take into account that you are planting tighter than the recommended spacing and therefore increase the nutrition (manure/compost) in areas where tight planting is happening.

- FaithCeleste Archer

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