Growing Beans - climbing, also Pole beans, Runner beans, Scarlet Runners

Phaseolus vulgaris, Phaseolus coccineus : Fabaceae / the pea or legume family

Jan F M A M J J A S O N Dec
      S S S S          
      T T T T T        
      P P P P          

(Best months for growing Beans - climbing in Australia - tropical regions)

  • S = Plant undercover in seed trays
  • T = Plant out (transplant) seedlings
  • P = Sow seed
  • Easy to grow. Sow in garden. Sow seed at a depth approximately three times the diameter of the seed. Best planted at soil temperatures between 16°C and 30°C. (Show °F/in)
  • Space plants: 10 - 20 cm apart
  • Harvest in 9-11 weeks.
  • Compatible with (can grow beside): Sweetcorn, spinach, lettuce, summer savory, dill, carrots, brassicas, beets, radish, strawberry, cucumbers, zucchini, tagates minuta (wild marigold)
  • Avoid growing close to: Alliums (Chives, leek, garlic, onions), Florence fennel

Your comments and tips

06 Apr 20, Jeanette Hagan (New Zealand - temperate climate)
We bought a packet of bean seeds about 6 years ago from M10. Unfortunately we lost the packet and can't identify the name of the bean. Can anyone help. The seed is black when you plant it. The beans are a climbing bean. Very flat and Matt (not shiny). They are the BEST tasting bean and produce prolifically. We save the seed annually, but would love to know what they are. Please!
07 Apr 20, Toni Robertson (New Zealand - temperate climate)
Hi have a black runner bean seed called Takamatua. Check the photo on their site. Great range of NZ heritage seeds on this site.
06 Apr 20, Anon (New Zealand - sub-tropical climate)
Go to a seed selling website and look through the beans seeds they sell, you will probably find what you grew. Try Boondie Seeds or Eden Seeds.
31 Mar 20, Michele (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
We live 65klms south of Geraldton on the coast. Are we classed as Sub tropical or temperature zone please
01 Apr 20, Anon (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
It does say sub-tropical Geraldton to Carnarvon. Being 65 klm south wouldn't make any difference.
03 Apr 20, Michele (Australia - arid climate)
Thank you for your help so I dont need to worry about a whole 65klms and go with the original
16 Feb 20, J garthwaite (New Zealand - cool/mountain climate)
Is it too late to sow runner beans in glass house
18 Feb 20, anon (Australia - temperate climate)
I have never had a glass house, but if I did and lived in a cool place, then I think the glass house would raise the temperature a lot inside to maybe temperate or even sub tropical levels. Apply that thinking to your planting and growing times.
27 Jan 20, Al Rankin (New Zealand - temperate climate)
Hi, I planted seeds in December, but although the plant continues to grow, to date, I have not had any flowers? I have previously grown them in the same vicinity very successfully. Any ideas will be gratefully accepted. Thanks
29 Jan 20, Anon (New Zealand - temperate climate)
If the soil is very rich they would probably produce a lot of growth before flowering. I had climbing beans in a new rich garden bed and they grew to about 1.2-1.5m before flowering. Plants would have gone to 3m if the trellis went that high.
Showing 61 - 70 of 261 comments

I think everyone knows beans need Mycorrhizal fungi to grow well -- Mycorrhizal fungal filaments in the soil are truly extensions of root systems and are more effective in nutrient and water absorption than the roots themselves. More than 95 percent of terrestrial plant species form a symbiotic relationship with beneficial mycorrhizal fungi. Forest floor duff contains MF and can be easily added to your compost bin, or directly in the desired areas. ADDITIONALLY - beans need Molybdenum (compost banana peels are a good source of Molybdenum). Molybdenum-bearing enzymes are by far the most common bacterial catalysts for breaking the chemical bond in atmospheric molecular nitrogen in the process of biological nitrogen fixation. - In legumes such as clovers, lucerne, beans and peas, molybdenum serves two functions. The plant needs it to break down any nitrates taken up from the soil—in the same way as non-legumes use molybdenum. And it helps in the fixation of atmospheric nitrogen by the root nodule bacteria. Legumes need more molybdenum to fix nitrogen than to utilise nitrates. --- The take away --- don't forget the forest floor duff and banana peels around your beans.

- Celeste Archer

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