Growing Asparagus Pea, also Winged pea

Lotus tetragonobolus : Fabaceae / the pea or legume family

Jan F M A M J J A S O N Dec
    P P P P            

(Best months for growing Asparagus Pea in Australia - tropical regions)

  • P = Sow seed
  • Easy to grow. Sow in garden. Sow seed at a depth approximately three times the diameter of the seed. Best planted at soil temperatures between 15°C and 20°C. (Show °F/in)
  • Space plants: 20 - 25 cm apart
  • Harvest in 8-11 weeks. Pick early, pick often.
  • Compatible with (can grow beside): Best grown in separate bed

Your comments and tips

28 May 21, Wendy (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Hi Catherine, I planted 10 seeds early February. Nothing happened for weeks but now most are about 20cms tall. I have to prop them up. My seed packet indicates that no fertiliser is required as it is ‘a very strong nitrogen fixer’ whatever that means. Good luck.
22 May 22, (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Many peas and legumes have a beneficial relationship with bacteria that grows on the roots of the plants. Nodes will develop in the roots that store nitrogen. Cutting plants off at the roots at the end of a season, or turning over the soil with these roots left included to breakdown will allow that nitrogen to release back into the soil.
15 May 21, Catherine (Australia - temperate climate)
What fertiliser I need to use is blooming now. This is nearly end of autumn. Start to see the bean but quite small. What fertiliser I need to grow bigger bean? First time to see the flower is light blue. How long can it stay in winter ? Let me know. Thank you
14 Jan 21, Britnie (Canada - zone 4a Temperate Warm Summer climate)
Hi, I live in Toronto, Canada. I love to plant winged beans, but I don't know when can I start to germinate the seeds and plant it. So I can have faster to harvest the beans. Thank you.
18 Jan 21, (Canada - zone 4a Temperate Warm Summer climate)
By the planting guide here they don't grow in your climate zone.
25 Nov 20, Rain (South Africa - Semi-arid climate)
Hi, Where to buy this seeds please share.My enail add is [email protected] Thanks R
26 Nov 20, Anonymous (South Africa - Summer rainfall climate)
Try internet seed selling companies.
02 May 20, Linda (Australia - tropical climate)
I have been harvesting my winged beans at various sizes, and the plant here just out of Darwin has fruited profusely. Unfortunately tho I have not enjoyed them so I have pulled them up to make way for the Borraloolla bean?
01 Aug 20, Michael D Cowen (Australia - tropical climate)
Lived Borrolloola for over 2 years and never heard of the Borrolloola pea (heard about a unique cycad from the Loo). Would be interested in trying a Borralloola pea. Do you know where can I get seeds? I live in Wagait Beach
28 Mar 20, Gillian (United Kingdom - cool/temperate climate)
I have a young five-year-old granddaughter now living in Sydney. Would Asparagus Pea be a good plant for her to start her gardening adventure in Australia? if so, where would you suggest to buy the seeds, online if poss., and, if not, please suggest an alternative edible plant that's likely to yield a harvest so it's an encouraging and pleasurable experience. I'd prefer her to start with a small and, hopefully, successful growing project! Parents are busy and not especially interested yet she's keen. Any particular horticultural do's and dont's for me to share with her long-distance would be very welcome. Many thanks, Gillian
Showing 21 - 30 of 120 comments

I believe beans (winged beans or winged peas as they are called) are medium rooting depth --> that is 18" to 24". You can go online and search for rooting depth of vegetables and you'll get a table that shows: very shallow, shallow, medium, deep and, very deep rooted vegetables. Where very shallow is under 12" , shallow: 12"-18", medium 18"-24", deep 24"-36", very deep 36+". This is also what they call the EFFECTIVE root zone -- so in reality the plant can go deeper. Tomatoes are deep or very deep rooted (and tend toward the 36+" side) -- but many people grow them in containers that are about 18" deep -- the growth is a bit stunted, but other than that they look fine. So when you see that beans like about 24" of depth, that does not mean you can't successfully grow them in a 15" deep pot. I have found that VOLUME of soil is more important than total depth (it's a bit of a give and take) -- but lets say a 10" deep half barrel would be better suited for winged beans than a 24" deep narrow fluted container. Plants sent out roots to collect the necessities of life; water, macro nutrients (N, P, K, calcium etc.) and micronutrients (boron, iron, zinc etc.) - the roots also provide stability. Beans fix their own nitrogen but still need all the other nutrients and I have found benefit greatly from an application of micro nutrients. Whatever container size or shape you choose you need to ensure all the necessities of life are available for the plant; good aeration in the soil (look at orchid pots if you want to understand really good aeration), enough water, nutrients in a timely fashion. A small pot with little soil volume will need to have nutrition added regularly, as the plant will quickly use up all the supplies available in the soil. Further, I have found that pots with a lot of surface area give me plenty of room to top up the plant with compost or manure -- if you don't have room to top up the soil you need to use liquid fertilizers (like making you own leachate - or buying some commercial fertilizers). I remember when I wanted a container garden (my first ever container garden in the city - having always planted plants directly in the soil as containers tend to be expensive) -- anyhow, I learned the hard way HOW FAST the nutrients get used up in containers -- containers tend to require a lot of amendments (fertilizer) compared to plants in the soil for two reasons: 1. plants in the soil can send their roots out further scooping up nutrients, and using what is already there -- like minerals from rocks 2. nutrients tend to also LEACH out of containers when you water; and you are less likely to leach out your nutrients even in raised beds as you need have "run off" to do so. Hope this helps with your decision on size and shape of your pot !!!

- Celeste Archer

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