Growing Asparagus Pea, also Winged pea

View the Asparagus Pea page

10 Dec 15 (Australia - temperate climate)
I have been trying to grow winged beans, hav tried 3 lots of seed from different sources, some soaked before planting, some not, different times of year and different places in the garden, all places have other plants quite happy but NO WINGED BEANS! Anyone got ideas about what I might be doing wrong? It's been very dry but I water regularly and as I said all my other plants are doing quite well.
15 Dec 15 Paul (Australia - arid climate)
Bean seeds hate too much water! Bean plants love water! Prep your bed, plant seed a finger nuckle deep, FLOOD WATER ONCE and leave till they germinate. Once all seed is up sweet mulch and keep moist, not wet. Wet is when you stick your finger into the soil and it comes out muddy, moist is when you do the same thing but grains of dirt attatch to your finger and feels cool.
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