Growing Artichokes (Globe)

Cynara scolymus : Asteraceae / the daisy family

Jan F M A M J J A S O N Dec
  S S                  

(Best months for growing Artichokes (Globe) in USA - Zone 8a regions)

  • S = Plant undercover in seed trays
  • T = Plant out (transplant) seedlings
  • Easy to grow. Sow in garden. Sow seed at a depth approximately three times the diameter of the seed. Best planted at soil temperatures between 59°F and 64°F. (Show °C/cm)
  • Space plants: 63 - 79 inches apart
  • Harvest in 42-57 weeks.
  • Compatible with (can grow beside): Needs a lot of space. Best in separate bed

Your comments and tips

21 Apr 24, SoCal BYGarden (USA - Zone 10b climate)
They grew great in Zone 10b. I put 2 in a 2"x3' planner with own bottom. The first year was rough for the plants I thought they were not going to make it. The second year they did OK (5-7) artichokes between both plants. The third year one of the plants did not come back ( they dry up between seasons) but the other plant is doing great. Over 15 globes from 1 plant.
10 Apr 21, Pam (USA - Zone 5b climate)
I love this site and all the very useful information you share!
09 Feb 21, Joseph Thomas (USA - Zone 9a climate)
What is the best artichoke species for Tucson Arizona zone 9?
12 Dec 20, John Chrystal (USA - Zone 8a climate)
I had 2 of 3 over winter last year with no preparation and enjoyed 3 dozen tennis ball sized bulbs. For this year I started 2 dozen more, half green globe and half purple. 18 survived they went into the ground (French Mound beds) in late July. Now I’m wondering should I feed them and/or mulch them and if so, with what?
14 Dec 20, (USA - Zone 3a climate)
If leaves are rich green colour then they have enough fert, if yellow then apply some general fert. Mulch with anything, have it loose so water can go through it. Only put it on about50-70mm thick.
28 Oct 20, Karen Jean (USA - Zone 9b climate)
Can I grow artichoke seed green globe & Purple of Romagna in a plant pot? I have a 14” pot or should I go larger? How many seeds should I plant in one?
21 Apr 24, SoCal BYGarden (USA - Zone 10b climate)
Go BIG. A 2'x2' planter is likely the smallest you can do the plant will hide the planter when in full bloom. Cut it down when is started to go brown or comes back every year.
28 Oct 20, Anonymous (USA - Zone 10b climate)
Plant Spacing- 160-200cm, 5-7 feet. That is between each plant.
26 Nov 19, Grace Walker (USA - Zone 7a climate)
Hello, I am new to this. I would like to experiment with planting artichokes. I do not know what kind of soil I have...and how to make it friendly for this vegetable. Do you have suggestion? Do you know of a great online resources on this? Thanks!
09 Mar 19, Carol Ball (USA - Zone 10a climate)
Hi I am very new to vegetable growing and want to try companion planting for my vegetables. However, I don't know what an acceptable distance is for companion planting. I do not have a large plot for me veg, any advice please?
Showing 11 - 20 of 23 comments

For Zone 5a, plant undercover in ssed trays in February, Plant out seedlings in April and youc an also sow seeds direct in April. Sow seed at a depth approximately three times the diameter of the seed. Best planted at soil temperatures between 15°C and 18°C. (Show °F/in). Space plants: 160 - 200 cm apart. Harvest in 42-57 weeks.

- Anonymous

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