Growing Angelica

Angelica archangelica : Apiaceae / the umbelliferae family

Jan F M A M J J A S O N Dec
                S S S  
                  T T T
                  P P  

(Best months for growing Angelica in Australia - temperate regions)

  • S = Plant undercover in seed trays
  • T = Plant out (transplant) seedlings
  • P = Sow seed
  • Easy to grow. Sow in garden. Sow seed at a depth approximately three times the diameter of the seed. Best planted at soil temperatures between 10°C and 25°C. (Show °F/in)
  • Space plants: 45 cm apart
  • Harvest in approximately 18 months. Angelica archangelica has slightly dull leaves, not shiny..
  • Compatible with (can grow beside): Any herbs that like damp, shady areas - mint, lemon balm
  • Angelica leaves

Angelica is a biennial herb-growing the first year and flowering the second. Angelica likes moist, rich soil that is slightly acid, growing best in semi-shade. It can be grown from seeds, but they must be sown within a few weeks otherwise they lose their viability. Angelica will self seed if seed heads are left on the plant. Young plants will die back in winter and will need mulching in frost-prone areas. Then they will grow again in spring and produce flowers.

NOTE: Angelica pachycarpa sold as an ornamental garden plant is not edible. It can be distinguished from Angelica archangelica as it has bright shiny leaves.

Culinary hints - cooking and eating Angelica

The stems can be candied and used to decorate cakes and pastries.

Pick the stems in the second year.

Your comments and tips

25 Aug 22, Nonie (Australia - temperate climate)
Hi, I live in an area which can get up to about 45•C in Summer, and as low as -7C with pretty heavy frost in winter. I was wondering whether Angelica can withstand these extremes please. Thank you, Nonie
09 Apr 21, Leslie Peoples Jr. (USA - Zone 6b climate)
Where can I find angelica venenosa in Arkansas?
19 Dec 16, Rhonda Crisp (Australia - temperate climate)
Could you tell me where to be able to buy candied angelica - it used to be available in health food shops and used for decorating cakes? I live in southern Queensland but would purchase online.
16 Dec 13, simon (Australia - temperate climate)
You can buy angelica Keiskei seed from 4season seeds . the seed is a bit hard to get started but well worth it i will have small seedlings later in the season
15 Sep 13, Patricia (Australia - cool/mountain climate)
How do I know which type of angelica I have? It has lovely green shiny leaves which have a very firm feel. It is still a small plant in a pot. As I live in a very cold, frosty place, I dont know how it will tolerate the frost. Any hints! Thank you.
05 May 13, Margie (Australia - temperate climate)
There's a wonderful herb lady who does the farmers' markets around Melbourne. I purchased some Angelica seedlings from her at Kallista market yesterday; she had well over 100 different types of herbs for sale, many that I'd never seen nor even heard of!! Full of garden wisdom too :)
19 Jan 11, Judy Grasso (Australia - temperate climate)
I got my heritage, angelica seed from Caroline, at the Bittern Market..Mornington Penninsula. Caroline also has a great knowledge on companion planting, and has many products that suit the organic gardener, so that they enjoy their gardens. Personally, I am so grateful for all the lovely helpful advice Caroline has given me.
14 Dec 10, Lyn (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Angelica pachycarpa is sold as an ornamental garden plant. It is not suitable for culinary use or herbal remedies. It has bright shiny leaves.
27 May 10, Vincent (Australia - temperate climate)
I am in Victoria - Australia and would like to know where I can purchase Angelica seed or seedlings please. Not Angelica pachycarpa.
15 Dec 13, Suzanne (Australia - temperate climate)
Otway herbs sell them
Showing 1 - 10 of 12 comments

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