Growing Amaranth, also Love-lies-bleeding

Amaranthus caudatus : Amaranthaceae / the amaranth family

Jan F M A M J J A S O N Dec

Not recommended for growing in USA - Zone 5a regions

  • Sow in garden. Sow seed at a depth approximately three times the diameter of the seed. Best planted at soil temperatures between 64°F and 86°F. (Show °C/cm)
  • Space plants: 20 inches apart
  • Harvest in 7-8 weeks.
  • Compatible with (can grow beside): Onions, corn, peppers, egg plant, tomatoes

Your comments and tips

02 Sep 15, Susannah Oldfield (Australia - sub-tropical climate)
Try Eden Seeds for any of your seeds in Australia. They are non-hybrid & organic too.
10 Feb 14, Diane Nighitngale (South Africa - Semi-arid climate)
hi, I'm wondering if it is possible to sow amaranthus seeds now (Feb) I live in Durban and have a very warm winter. Many thanks
02 Dec 13, caryl (Australia - temperate climate)
where can i buy amaranth seeds or seedlings,i live on morning ton peninsular,vic ,australia
07 Feb 15, Andrew Page-Robertson (Australia - temperate climate)
I bought seeds from Masters in Mornington, the range is called "A taste of the Americas' and its sold as AMARANTHUS Calaloo red leaf, brand Johnsons
24 Jan 14, Darren (Australia - temperate climate)
Digger's Club also has seeds. I have the Red Amaranth from them growing well and ready to start harvesting at the moment.
14 Dec 13, Rachael (Australia - arid climate)
You can buy them of ebay or seeds2freedom have a great selection too.
04 Oct 13, Sharon (Australia - temperate climate)
Where to get Amaranth seeds? I live in east suburb of Melbourne.
28 Mar 12, wotan (Australia - temperate climate)
I saved aAmaranth seed by shaking, sifting, and and blowing the chaff of th seeds. Now I have insect bites under my shirt and sleeve areas that develop after 24 hours and itch for a 1 week and produce mite like blisters. This happened both times I have done this. Any ideas what insect it might be?? Thanks!
19 Aug 12, Nikki (Australia - temperate climate)
Probably not insects. I get a rash when harvesting dried plant material, eg jerusalem artichokes. Make sure you cover up and maybe put a cream on before you start and shower afterwards.
20 Mar 12, Cheryl (Australia - temperate climate)
When do I harvest amaranth and how
Showing 51 - 60 of 95 comments

You will see that the seeds on the flower turn black which means that it is ready to harvest. Or you can shake the flower while holding a container and the mature seeds will drop.

- Diana~Adelaide

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